Sunday, July 18, 2021

Dating mistakes - that's why you are still single

 Dating is mental stress! Always on the lookout for Mr. Right, and if you have a true eeeeendlich

then that you find nice, of course, the pressure is enormous: Will he like me? Will we see
ourselves? What can I tell? And what he will think if ... STOP! Do not make it so difficult
for yourself! Beforehand to stress already and to cramp, does nothing - except that it
reduces your chances of a successful rendezvous enormous! We will help you get away from
the worries, even "That certainly is a great evening". So it is then determined and
the second date.

No. 1 worry: "Am I his type?"
Before the first date to make a lot of singles thoughts: Whether he is bring? Maybe I'm him too
blonde? Too big? Too fat? Too thin? To succeed? Start does not even like that! First, there is
indeed a good reason why you have another appointment. Mutual sympathy is rarely the motivation.
And furthermore, you can not know it before, no matter how much you are racking their brains as
well. But most importantly: What's wrong with your preferences? Perhaps He will be blond, too big,
too thick or too thin!
When dating it is finally not least about what you think of your opponent, if you can imagine
something together or not. Go completely different approach to the evening and behave as if it
were his test - and not yours! So you can sit back and relax to see what will happen. And by
the way: If he finds you stupid, is not bad at all! Then, they know immediately where you are and
need to imagine a common future - in case of doubt the feeling is mutual anyway.

Concern No. 2: "I'm going to embarrass myself for sure!"
They are afraid of sheer nervousness turn throw a glass, tangled themselves in speaking or
slapstick moderately tripping over the sidewalk? Just go just assume that something will happen
in the direction! Because the first awkward moment is over, but it can only get better.
You just have no fear that your date you as a man with "errors" (or a piece of arugula between
the teeth) is responsible - which are now at times to everyone.
If your partner is any good, you can make your faux pas - weglachen together - and hopefully not
too tense excitement of the first date. And something should be from both of you, you will
definitely like to think back to the funny story of your first date!

Concern No 3: "What if he wants more than me?"
It's your first date and you quickly realize that he is more interested in you than you. Him Now
you are worried that you might hurt his feelings because you do not answer? Well, that's
life - and this too can be a risk eventually go even if you go on the singles market. With a
first date,you have still not signed a prenuptial agreement anyway. Instead, therefore, to make
you crazy, why not consider it positive that the faster your partner knows what he is,
the sooner he can complete the deal.
They are neither cold nor heartless, just because you see no future together - and, ideally,
you are dealing with an adult who understands and does not mind breaking that a single meeting
goes nowhere. Just say directly what is going on: that you are not interested in a next date!
This shows him that you respect him and did not want to hold out or waste his time.

Concern No. 4: "Warning: pitfalls!"
Your date mentions the name of a heavy metal group, and you interrupt him by saying,
"Is the music not a single injury?" It follows embarrassed silence - he really wanted to
invite them namely, to go with him to a concert of his "favorite band" ... As the saying goes?
Shit happens! Tastes are different and he may certainly not everything you love it.
You might accidentally insulted him, but that is no doom.
So instead of having a red face herumzustammeln, you would not mean it, the band was good but
somehow the whole thing live and determined to hear very different, try it with the magic formula:
 "Excuse me!" You must not be in all respects the same opinion ... If he just looks,
he will accept your apology, he still remains insulted, had it with you two do not work anyway.

Concern No. 5: It shall be automatically
The conversation comes to a halt and your date you on silent. Your silence is terrible unangehem,
you have always been bad at small talk and, as excited as you are, you begin to shake off
the cuff topics - topics for a first date are really much too personally. Do that! It is not your
job to keep the conversation going. A lull in the conversation need not be unpleasant. And if she
really is, talk it simply!
It may be that your partner is also a little cramped, but if the topic is even on the table,
the mood relaxes perhaps even. Some people find it helps incidentally, is a before the meeting
talk activating la questions "How do you spend most like your Saturday afternoon?" or
"What are you planning to travel this year?" to think. Sometimes works wonders!

Concern No. 6: "The adoption ..."
Your date is coming to an end, and every minute you fear the moment of the break walking more.
Whether he wants to see me again well - and will ask for it? Should I ask for it, I want at all,
and as I say it, if not? Will he kiss me good - or should I? Do not panic, just follow your gut!
If you want to see him again, thank him politely for the evening and leave you determined.
If you both had fun, it is the modern communication Thank definitely come to another meeting.
So you do not have to rush and already on the landing your doorstep schedule another appointment.
If you do not know if mounted a kiss or would be rash to, give your date a motivating smile and
show him that you have enjoyed the evening - now he will feel secure enough to take
the initiative without fear of rejection . If they can not for a kiss, then determines the next
time - and you also still have something you can look forward to!

Top 10 Dating Tips

 Whether you are new to the dating scene, are reentering the dating scene, or are a serial dater, you can use dating tips and advice. No one is a dating expert – even the most beautiful and wealthy people all struggle with matters of the heart. Everyone can learn something about how to date more, how to attract the types of people we want to attract, and how to make sure initial chemistry blooms into an enduring relationship.

The truth is, there are no magic formulas, no fail-proof tricks, no cunning ways of trapping Mr. or Miss Right. There are however some essential facts that you should always bear in mind along the way. Dating tips are just that -- tips, not one-size-fits-all guarantees. Different tacks will work for different people. It depends on the situation, who we are, where we are in our lives, etc. However, there are some threads of advice that are fairly universal and can benefit anyone who practices them:

Top 10 Dating Tips

1.Get prepared for dating. If you really want to succeed in the dating game, be ready to commit to dating. Half-heartedness won't work. In fact, it won’t even get you half-way. If you really want to date, put some effort into it. Do some research and think about what you want out of dating. Prepare yourself for the inevitable rejection we all face at some point in dating and commit not to give up.

2.Get your act together. Begin a regime of looking your best. Join a gym, read health magazines, get fit and start a diet. Get your hair cut or styled and begin a new regime of good grooming or beauty treatment. Though it will not find you a date in itself, you will feel a million times more confident about yourself, and others can sense that.

3.Go shopping and treat yourself to new clothes and even a whole new look. Get your image right, one that you can manage and live with, but one that flatters you. Don't try to be someone you’re not, but amplify and accentuate your positives. Throw out those tired jeans, old sweaters or cardigans and spruce yourself up. Your date will appreciate that you demonstrated some effort.

4.Think about what you want to gain from dating and what timeframes you expect. Do you see yourself married within 2 years? If you do, then approach dating accordingly. If you are more laid back and don't take dating too seriously then ask yourself some honest questions about why you are dating and what you hope to achieve. If it is purely sex then ask yourself if you are about to be honest with those you hope to date.

5.Surround yourself with people who will support your dating aims. By following the first four tips you will feel better and be more focused. Don’t sabotage this by sitting around with friends who are negative about love and relationships (often the married ones). Start attending social functions frequented by singles. Sitting alongside couples at dinner parties in suburbia is not necessarily where you need to be right now.

6.Choose those you have a good chance of dating. Be realistic. In other words, your dating is based on the whole package you present as well as just your personality. If you are looking for a glamour girl or boy and want to date someone trendy and gorgeous, great! Just know that others will expect you to be the same.

7.Join clubs, societies, sports events, drama groups -- anything that might help you meet like-minded potential partners. You will not meet people by staying indoors and playing video games – many have tried and failed at this approach.

8.Take time off from dating occasionally if it’s not going well or causing dating fatigue. Recharging your batteries and keeping confidence and optimism levels high is an absolute must. We all hit rough patches, but don’t let your search for love become a death march. Date in phases if necessary.

9.Enjoy dating for what it is, dating. It is meeting people and socializing and spending time in the company of stimulating individuals who may or may not play a bigger part in your life down the road. The fact is, most people have something interesting to offer. While you may not be out on the dating scene looking for new friends, you may well find one or two fabulous people along the way.

10.Never make yourself too available. People like mystery and enigma and the thrill of the chase when dating. As part of keeping up the mystery, do not sleep with your dates early on. The longer a person is made to chase and fall for you within reason, the more likely that love may blossom. (And yes, this goes for both men AND women!) If the chemistry peaks too early, your emotions may never have time to catch up and the relationship will eventually wither away.


Romance is at the heart of any dating experience. If you don't consider yourself romantic then you are wrong. I don't know of anyone on this planet who doesn't have the ability to fall in love. Therefore if you can fall in love, you can be romantic too. Romance is not in the grand gestures , it is in the small details. Women will often say that it is the small things that matter. The small gestures but it is down to both men and women to start being romantic. It is a two-way process and both parties get an immense amount of pleasure from showing they care about someone. Yes we would all love to have a romantic picnic on a deserted Caribbean beach with the person of our dreams but romance begins closer to home with tips such as these:
Understand what romance means and why it is important and learn what romantic aspects there are to your own character. No one has a heart made of stone, however tough their exterior.
Understand that romance is not the sole domain of women and that men who are romantic are far more successful when dating
Romance has nothing whatsoever to do with masculinity. In fact, being romantic can enhance your masculinity and reputation with girls.
Not all women are naturally romantic either but that doesn't have to be the case.
The key to being romantic is thoughtfulness. So start being a little less thoughtless and selfish.
Communicate with your partner on every level and anticipate their desires and needs.
Look at your partner when they are talking and hold their gaze
Learn that mood, location, situation and ambience can heighten romance with dramatic effect
Phone just to say hello, I love you and surprise your partner
Learn to say, I love you and mean it. Don't say it ever, if you don't mean it
Send them notes and small cards telling them you are thinking of them
Be spontaneous and do little deeds that show you are thinking about them
Start going for walks together, whatever the weather
Put your partner first, particularly as a surprise with a spontaneous trip away
Think creatively and plan a surprise weekend away
Buy flowers any time of the year, nice ones not just roses
Remember birthdays, anniversaries and landmark days such as the day you first met and plan something
Listen to the clues your partner gives you, such as things they like and books they read and buy little gifts
Keep being romantic. In a good relationship, romance never ends
Compromise. Putting yourself first is not romantic.
Write him/her a letter and let them know that you love them and you mean it. People send far few letters these days. Use good quality stationery too.
Watch romantic movies together and invest quality time doing the things you share and both enjoy
Make cards rather than buying them. It shows thought and inspiration.
Take your partner on a picnic to the park or beach and prepare in advance without involving them. Initiative illustrates romance nicely
Don't be a cold fish. Learn how to hug, cuddle and make physical contact. Touching without sex is far more romantic but don't always hug without kissing!
Kiss your date and learn to appreciate the finer qualities of kissing for its own sake
Dance together when the occasion arises and show them special attention
Hold hands and do anything make your partner feel close to you
Hold and hug your partner in bed, especially after sex
Talk chat and converse about anything and everything
Allow your partner to breathe and do separate things to heighten the sense of romance when you are together
If you don't cook dinner for your date, start learning my friend. A surprise dinner with candles is romantic
Buy small gifts spontaneously that show great thought in what they enjoy. But not too many otherwise it has the opposite effect
Remember that romance is often about giving of yourself, even if it is simply your precious time when you could have had other plans. Making your partner a priority is vital
Do things that make you both laugh. Laughter and romance go hand in hand
Remember that romance is in the small details and does not need to be expensive in any way. I'd rather receive a handmade card any day than an expensive gift
Anticipate your partner's wishes and desires to show them you are listening to them and that you care
Expect rightfully that romance is a two-way process though the romance you provide is simply giving of yourself

 6 Feng Shui Love Tips

Feng shui experts believe that you can have a flourishing love life if you adjust the arrangement of things in your home accordingly. Gloomy rooms, self-absorbed artwork, and piles of clutter can shoo Cupid away from your home. Here, then, are simple Feng shui tips for finding the perfect partner, or for keeping the love alive in your marriage or long-term relationship.
Surround yourself with images of happy couples
Works of art have a significant impact on our subconscious. When you always see photos of lone figures or depressing images, you’ll become less receptive to love.
So you should replace these images and surround yourself with paintings, sculptures, photos, and knickknacks of happy figures, such as happy couples. Representations of happiness will attract love.

6 Feng Shui Love Tips

Don’t push your bed against the wall
Pull your bed away from the wall if you want to attract a lover who will make you happy everyday. There should be enough breathing space between the wall and the bed. You’ll be surprised to wake up one day cuddling with the one you love instead of hugging and drooling on your pillow.
Also, you have to move your bed away from the door line and keep your room door closed every night to ward off any bad luck.
Make cozy seating arrangements
Single chairs will tell your potential suitors or partners, "Hey, back off. I don’t need you!" If you’re searching for that elusive love of your life, try to make cozy seating arrangements like sofas and love seats.
Arranging chairs at comfortable angles relative to each other will send the message that you’re ready and are looking for a relationship.
Go for a queen-sized bed
Huge mattress surely doesn’t cultivate intimacy. Here’s what you have to do if you’re searching for the One, or if you’d like to keep the love burning in your relationship: invest in a warm, comfortable queen-sized bed. If you can’t make this switch, make sure that you have patterned sheets to spice up your sex life.
Make the "love and relationship gua" a love shrine
In Feng shui, the love and relationship gua symbolizes your personal relationships. You can find it in the right quadrant of any room of your house, using your home’s front door as a reference point.
You have to keep this area inviting and intimate if you’d like to create more love or sustain and improve the relationship. Put a love seat on this special spot and illuminate it with adjustable lighting.
Think pink
Pink and other warm colors like red can add more zest to your love life. Rose, coral, salmon, and other soft shades can attract a gentle mate who is attentive to all your needs, whereas bold colors such as burgundy, scarlet, and crimson can attract a lover who is a passionate adventurer.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Dating Rules To Meet Someone

 Struggling to meet someone new? Following these simple yet insightful dating rules might be just be exactly

what you need.
Love Yourself First
Have you ever noticed that happy people get more attention? And if you are happy with yourself, it shows.

So in order to attract more people into your life for dating purposes, focus on the things that make you happy.
Try writing a large piece of paper full of ideas that you can use in a pinch, such as taking a hot bath,
going for a bike ride or filling your home with plants. Then, pick three items from this list every day with
conscious effort, knowing that the time you take tending to increasing your own personal joy will increase
the pull others feel to learn more about who you are.
If you shake your head within seconds of meeting someone, rank them against a checklist in your head, or have
stringent guidelines about who you will and won't meet, it is time to revamp your relationship expectations.
When trying to meet someone new, it is imperative that you let go of your preconceived notions about who
the perfect partner is.
Cut Ties To Your Ex
Although this dating rule may be contentious for some readers, it is still an important step in the dating process.
Just like a spring cleaning clears your space of clutter and cobwebs, removing an ex still present in your life
after a breakup can free you to meet someone new. Of course there are circumstances where this may
not be possible - such as if you have children together or work in the same office. But whenever possible,
you need to remove your ex from your personal life, even if it is only temporary.
Dating is exhausting and not worth my time. I'll never meet The One. All the good ones are taken.
These three statements are myths about dating that seriously require thought if they are going through your head.
 Dating isn't about negative thoughts; its about meeting as many interesting people as you can while having faith
that you'll meet someone special.Following this dating rule means you need to stop focusing on the person you are
trying to meet, and focus on the spotlight instead on yourself.
Face Your Dating Fears
Feeling anxious or upset about the prospects of meeting someone new usually translates into fear. If the thoughts
of never meeting someone special, being upset that your last partner refused to commit, or convincing yourself
you aren't worth dating are taking over your thought processes, it is time to face your dating fears.
By not following this dating rule and ignoring the issues, your inability to risk losing your heart will stop you
from meeting someone special.
Too attract new people, you'll need to show them you are interested - which means learning how to flirt.
Virtually every single first encounter that leads to more starts with a smile, so this dating rule suggests
smiling at everyone you encounter, without qualification. As well, understanding body language is a crucial part of
meeting someone new and cannot be overlooked.

Accept All Dates
If you want to follow the rules of dating to meet someone new, its time to stop making snap decisions about
the people who ask you out for a date. If someone asks you for coffee, it is your responsibility to accept it,
barring any issues with safety of course. A date is just a date - not a marriage proposal. It'll only take
an hour or two, and by accepting all dates you'll move closer to meeting someone special while perfecting your
notions of what kind of person you'd like to have in your life. 

 6 Great Pickup Lines For Men or Women

1. What does your name mean? Asking someone with an unusual first or last name is a great icebreaker,
especially if they have a story to tell. If nothing else, you'll learn more about your intended interests'
background and family history, and can ask more questions as they provide more details.
2. How do you fit into the picture here? There are several variations on this question,
such as asking how someone knows the party host, or how they came across the band whose gig you're both at.
This kind of question is especially fun if you are at a larger gathering where everyone seems to know everyone else,
because oftentimes you'll get introductions to everyone else as well.
3. If you won a free education, what would you go back to school for - or would you go back at all?
Not only does this question tell you what they went to school for (and if they took any post-secondary
classes at all), but also provides you with a hint as to their goals, aspirations and dreams.
4. Can you suggest something? Depending on where you are will determine what exactly you are asking a suggestion for.
Coffee shops and bookstores/libraries are great for this icebreaker, as are local eateries, pubs,
sporting events and grocery stores. By asking someone's opinion and advice, you are showing your interest, and
if you take them up on their suggestion, you can then compare and contrast your experiences for a bit longer of a
chat. Turning this pickup line into a date isn't terribly difficult either; just ask them if they'd like to explore
more of whatever was suggested, together, at a later date.
5. Can you reach that for me? Perhaps you are trying to get a touch of sunscreen on your back, or maybe you are
unable to reach something on the top shelf. Either way, this icebreaker will get the two of you in close physical
contact (if not touching in the case of the sunscreen) so that you can make smiling eye contact to show your
interest. Don't let the apple of your eye get away with a mere, "Sure," however; try starting a conversation about
the item in question, whether or not sunscreen really helps, or some other related item in the vicinity.
6. You look familiar. Did we meet at John's -insert crazy, unusual or outlandish event here- ?
This pickup line works in almost any situation, as long as you have a ready-made meeting place with which to start
with. Perhaps try unusual but tame, "metal basket weaving class" or "underwater poetry reading" or strange,
"pistachio eating contest". The point is to make the person forget about John and ask about the thought-provoking
event you mentioned. You'll get bonus Brownie points if you can actually come up with a real-life gathering that
requires explanation and further discussion. 

Dating Online

 Take advantage of the benefits offered by the Online Dating in relation to a single party or 

a single trip. You can with several potential partners at the same time have contact, 
without anyone knowing. Sprinkle initial inquiries and then you can focus on the really 
interesting contacts. Be creative when recording contract. Standard texts and memorized 
Flirt sayings come to not good online. Take some time and look at the profile of your love very 
carefully, then you can write your first message to Mrs. or Mr. Right. The chances are that you 
will get an answer much faster. For who are already addressed with any phrase? Much nicer is 
if it is an original letter, which perhaps contains some initial pointers, so just to talk about 
similarities and common interests can.
Another point that should be considered in finding a partner over the Internet, are compliments. 
It is much easier, compliments to send by e-mail than they do in person, the latter is furur but 
much nicer. So you should be frugal and start with decent compliments, it does not intrusive.

Off thinking

 First I'm something special, me there is only one

 Second Naturalness is the key

 Third always stay loose, we are not in the job interview

 4th have fun

 5th draw their attention to themselves, they create curiosity (but remain honest!)

 6th often times change what the profile

 7th the photo is your ticket, if it is worth the visit to a photographer

Watch out

 First Always remain polite

 Second if it does not fit, simply write a rejection

 Third Safety note, a not exaggerated distrust helps

 4th Bumble undesirable

 5th Rein in expectations, at some point it fits

 6th not equal to blab everything

 7th get familiar with the chat rules

Which is the right venue

The place is on the first date is very important. You can say, better the public, the more and 
make you prefer the day - then you can learn about yourself, without the typical home-coming issue.
Never make the first meeting at home home, unless you have been a longer introductory phase 
by mail and phone behind. Very fitting is a coffee If it does not fit, cut the Date for a 
coffee quickly and politely. Or simply go for a walk, you sit not over stiff and can bridge a 
silence with a conversation about the environment.

Internet Dating

 They have been replaced with someone a long time online and want to finally meet you in person.

As you prepare for this first meeting, what to look for, what you should do in any case,
you learn here.

Online dating not only offers many opportunities but also many risks. So a couple of really
serious dating tips for the first meeting with the potential future life partner.
Meet on neutral ground - in a bar, a restaurant in a park - definitely a lot of people busy and
visible place. On the Internet there are black sheep and chaotic. Tell a friend, a girlfriend,
where you meet. Catch up on any case on the first date in your own home. This is a big risk.
Limit the time for the start of the first date. That is, if you make the first meeting,
then do the same show that only 30 or 60 minutes to spare. If the other turns out to be a disaster,
or boring pain in the ass, you can say goodbye gracefully after a short time.
Announce before the first date, no phone numbers or other contact information (email address).
Enter your anonymity on only if you have taken some confidence to the other - maybe the second
meeting? When you enter your landline number, please remember that everyone can get out
of having your phone number on the Internet and your address. Use e-mail address as a free e-mail
Turn off your cell phone number transfer. To avoid the callee experiencing your mobile
phone number. You want to give up your own number? Not recommended: the private,
fixed line because you can find it on various Internet services your address.
It is best to use a prepaid phone card.
Do not be picked up at home and can not after the date take her home. Do not take the car
the other a piece.
Are you interested in the other. Why? Who interesssiert for others is interesting.
And how do you do that? Quite simply by open-ended questions. These are questions to which you
can not answer with yes or no. Open questions start with How, 'Why?, In what way?, Where?
Through open-ended questions keep a conversation going and make it interesting and rich.
If you want to learn to entertain themselves at ease, then the counselor is only a first step,
heart to the right place for you.
Confidence is extremely important. With a good self-confidence to act on other attractive and
interesting. If you behave like a little gray mouse, then you should not be surprised if others
see you as the little gray mouse and turn away.
If you generally lacking in confidence and think little of themselves, then the counselor is
This win-win you more confidence highly recommended.
What should a first date talk not: Talk to the first meeting never know when you feel lonely and
unhappy. Also failed relationships, problems with the ex or the ex is flirting killer.
Such topics gymnastics from most people. The first date is not finally overcome the past and
the processing of disappointments.
Are absolutely taboo topics such as politics, money, and sexual issues - women love,
remember - fertility. When you see the man on the first date of you on the subject of
children speak to them, then that was probably the first and last meeting with this man
Give out at the first meeting not all of himself. This is a kind of precaution that your
protection is also a psychological strategy. So say not concrete, in which employer you work for,
the industry is completely sufficient (or do you know that your acquaintance will surprise you
after work in front of your office?) If you have one or the other in the dark,
then the mystery have that makes you interesting. Just as likely your counterpart at
the first meeting, all his socks are cheap, you should not do it.
Do not be fooled by appearances. Cars can be leased and expensive designer suits can
be bought on credit, the Rolex on the arm can be a deceptively real-looking replica, and, and ...
Take your time getting to know each other. Listen to him to encourage him to talk about
themselves and see whether the way, as he says and what he says, is consistent and you like it.
Talk as possible before the first meeting by telephone at the other. Why? Because the voice of
a man very much can be said about him or because you feel often been at the way the other speaks,
can decide whether you want to meet him. This only works if the other gives you his number or
give up your anonymity and tell the other your number. (See above)
Topics that are taboo on the first date: infertility (male turns her off rather than on),
or the explosion of personal problems, complaints about their own personal, financial,
family or professional situation.
What should be the Prince Charming or the dream girl?
The more accurate you should have an idea of ??your future partner should be like,
what properties, interests and values ??he has, the better the chances of finding
the right people to find partners. It is therefore important that you understand your
expectations clear. The single test will help you.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Speed Dating

 Under Speed dating is defined as a originally from the U.S. method, flirt and make new or

relationship partner, but also to find business contacts. The author (since 1998) Rabbi Yaacov
Deyo, a member of the Orthodox Jewish organization Aish HaTorah is based in Los Angeles
(California, USA). His goal was a contact platform for the Jewish community, so that Jewish
singles can meet more quickly and efficiently, with the prospect of finally getting married and
thus increase the number of Jewish marriages.
To the company founded by Rabbi Deyo speed dating a little later followed speed dating events,
usually business-oriented events with no religious requirement, where male and female singles
participate in the same number, the maximum number of participants for each gender on normally
7-10 persons is limited. Meanwhile, the speed dating enjoys in Germany emerging popularity -
in almost all major cities there are regular events of this kind. In addition to the partner
search results in the possibility, for example when moving to a new city close to fast and
innocuous new acquaintances

Procedure for speed dating

During the whole event gets everyone know every single male single female and vice versa.
For this, the event is divided into rounds, each lasting for about seven to eight minutes.
In this narrow space of time, the singles have the opportunity to get to know each other a
little to interrogate common interests and hobbies, and any desire to have children.
After expiry of the time a bell rings as a sign that asks for change of partners.
At the same time singles record on them previously handed out leaflets, whether their opponent to
see again or not. Now is moved up, so that male and female singles singles sit in a
new constellation opposite. This is repeated until each has talked to everyone again.
After the speed dating singles can decide if they want to see again just to know
the learned singles. Earlier, the organizers gathered for this purpose the previously handed out
paper and evaluated them manually. Many operators, however, are now started to analyze
the speed-dating through an online evaluation form.  One or two days after the speed dating is
the evaluation process usually terminated. At the latest after the deadline will receive
a message about the singles, which again singles of the opposite sex they want. If there is
a match, so the contact between the two singles to be replaced. 

 15 First Date Mistakes To Avoid

1. Quoting Oprah more than once.
2. Shortening words that really don’t need to be shortened, like “totes,” “blowie,” and “obvi.”
3. Starting any sentence with the phrase, “Well, my therapist says … “
4. Ever mentioning your “girl boner.” Trust — guys do not want to think of you with a boner, no matter how cute you think the phrase is.
5. Keeping your Spanx on during a make-out session. Girl, if it gets that far, excuse yourself to the bathroom and discreetly remove said undergarment and stuff it in your purse.
6. Seeing a movie about war criminals, Holocaust survivors, or rape.
7. Eating Mexican food.
8. Saying “Let’s do this again” if you don’t really mean it.
9. Planning anything that lasts more than three hours. (If the first date naturally goes longer, great, but don’t plan for it to).
10. Calling anyone you ever dated “crazy.”
11. Giving more than three compliments.
12. Answering more than two or three questions without asking one in return.
13. Asking more than three questions in a row.
14. Breaking in brand-new shoes.
15. Divulging your insecurities 

Many Ways To Last Longer In Bed

 One of the most frustrating afflictions that can befall a man is premature ejaculation. It's embarrassing, it's unexpected, and it turns what is supposed to be one life's greatest joys into one of life's greatest disappointments. No one wants to have to say I'm sorry at any point before, during, or after sex.

But men should know that while yes, PE can be incredibly frustrating, it's also incredibly common. “Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects almost every man at some point in his life,” says Thomas J. Walsh, M.D., a urologist at the University of Washington. While you're more likely to experience PE in your twenties and thirties, as many as one out of three men of all ages say they've experienced it at some point in their lives.

Knowing you're not alone can be comforting, but unfortunately it isn't going to change the reality of how PE can affect your agenda in the bedroom. If you want to start lasting longer in bed, then you're going to need to do something about it. This is far easier said than done.

What is the average time for ejaculation?

In a 2005 study, researchers had 500 heterosexual couples use stopwatches to measure the time between vaginal penetration and male ejaculation over four weeks of sex sessions. The overall median time was 5.4 minutes.

Lots of guys don't last as long as that. The 2014 book The New Naked: The Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups reported that nearly half of guys finish within two minutes, according to the New Republic.

You may be diagnosed with PE if you routinely ejaculate within one minute of penetration, no matter how hard you try to delay it.

One of the reasons PE is so maddening is that it can feel like you have no control over it. The harder you try to prevent it, the worse it seems to get. Yes, you may be able to last a few seconds longer in bed by thinking about your fantasy baseball team, but who wants to be thinking about baseball statistics during sex? Are there any substantive solutions?Thankfully, the answer is yes. Despite how hopeless your situation may feel, there are indeed plenty of smart, sensible, and healthy ways to curb, if not cure, your premature ejaculation and last even longer in bed.

1. Work it out

Or, in other words, work out your pubococcygeal (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor, and work them out good. To understand what these muscles feel like when they're fired up, trying cutting off the flow of urine the next time you're using the bathroom. After you cut it off, let it flow, then cut it off again, then let it flow again.

For help isolating those PC muscles, try standing in front of a mirror and using them to lift your testicles — without the help of your hands. Imagine “lifting your nuts to your guts” or “shortening your penis,” Dr. Sandra Hilton, PT, DPT, a doctor physical therapy at Entropy Physiotherapy and Wellness in Chicago, Illinois, previously told

Once you have a feel for how to expand and contract your PC muscles, tighten and hold for a count of 10, then release. Practice in sets of 10. The beauty of this exercise, which will result in heightened ejaculatory control and help you last longer in bed, is that you can do it practically anywhere.

There’s scientific proof that kegels can help men make sex last longer. As Men’s Health UK reported: “A 2005 study found that 75 percent of men improved erectile function after doing kegels. In another study, Italian researchers found that 61 percent of men were cured of premature ejaculation through rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles.”

2. Limit your thrusting

There are plenty of ways to enjoy intercourse without thrusting like a jackrabbit. You can massage the tip of your penis into her clitoral hood. You can focus on the nerve endings in her vaginal entrance instead of seeing how deep you can get. You can press your penis against her G-spot. Sure, throw a little thrusting in there too, but if you feel like you're about to reach the point of no return, there are ways to slow things down without sacrificing her pleasure.

3. Switch things up

Instead of picking one position and pounding away like the aforementioned jackrabbit, try alternating between a few different configurations to last longer during sex, licensed sex psychotherapist Vanessa Marin advised over at Bustle. Negotiating your bodies into new positions will let you press pause on your trip to the finish line.

Marin also recommends experimenting with “tiring or tricky” positions to last longer; you may find yourself less likely to come if your brain is focused on balance or precision.

Need some inspiration? Check out our list of the 45 best sex positions every couple should try. You might want to skip doggy style, which makes it easy to go fast and deep — a climactic combination. Consider having your partner go on top, where she can take the reins on rhythm and depth.

4. Edging

Delaying your orgasm while masturbating can be one of the most effective ways to train yourself to last longer during sex. This is also known as edging, and according to Dr. Walsh it's one of the most common techniques for avoiding premature ejaculation. Basically, you bring yourself right to the edge of orgasm before stopping all sexual or masturbatory activity until you have your excitement under control.

Practicing this technique can help you teach your brain and body to better control your orgasm response and make sex last longer, says sex therapist Emily Morse, Ph.D. Just be sure to use a lot of lotion or lube while you practice edging to avoid chafing, she adds.

Speaking of masturbation, rubbing one out an hour or two before sex may help you delay ejaculation, according to the Mayo Clinic.

5. The Squeeze

If you can feel your orgasm coming on, stop and squeeze right below the head of your penis. Apply firm pressure with your thumb and forefinger and focus the pressure on the urethra, or the tube running along the underside of the penis, advises Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sex therapist and author of She Comes First.

The squeeze technique can help you last longer in bed by pushing blood out of the penis and momentarily decreasing sexual tension, which represses the ejaculatory response, Kerner says.

“This is another type of biofeedback, similar to edging.” says Dr. Walsh.

6. Ladies first

Many women require clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm in the first place, so while you're trying to keep your own orgasm at bay, get to work and help her find her own bliss. Whether you use your mouth, your fingers, or a toy—hey, we recommend all three!—knowing she’s enjoyed an orgasm may relieve some of the pressure you’re feeling to last longer in bed, Kerner says.

7. Masturbate beforehand

Masturbating alone prior to a sexual encounter is a free and simple technique to help fight premature ejaculation. “A lot of my patients will masturbate prior to sex,” explains Dr. Evan Goldstein, D.O., a proctologist who specializes in men's sexual health at Bespoke Surgical. “Sometimes ejaculating too quickly is due to the fact that you’re all riled up and haven’t ejaculated recently, which means your prostate is fully engorged.” When it’s been a while since you last ejaculated, the slightest touch, lick, or thrust can set you off (literally).

Goldstein continued, “If you masturbate close to when you know you’re going to have sex, you’re essentially having sex a second time, which means it will take a little longer to climax.” He did, however, caution to practice the appropriate timing in between sessions because the last thing you want is to then not be able to perform at all.

If you notice you’re still having issues with PE even when masturbating beforehand, then you can masturbate repeatedly beforehand to help combat the issue during sex.

8. Condom control

If you struggle with premature ejaculation, condoms can be your best friend when it comes to lasting longer during sex. (Also, you should be using them anyway, bro.) Most major condom manufacturers make extra-thick rubbers that act like a slip-on desensitizer for your member during sex, Morse says, and these can help you avoid premature ejaculation. Try Trojan's Pleasures Extended, which comes with a numbing agent to help prolong pleasure for you the both of you.

9. Pills

In Europe, there are many legal drugs that purportedly help you last longer in bed, Dr. Walsh says. The problem: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved those drugs to treat PE in the U.S. Why?

“Even though trials show these drugs genuinely benefitted men with premature ejaculation, the FDA sets a very high bar for drugs used to treat non-life threatening conditions,” Dr. Walsh explains.

There's also evidence to suggest that some antidepressants can help delay orgasm—Paxil, or paroxetine, has proven to be particularly effective—but they could lead to mood changes or other side effects and shouldn't be used unless prescribed by a doctor, says Dr. Walsh. So at the end of the day, these should be considered a last resort.

Depending on how sexually active you are, you can either take the medication daily or as needed before sex, says Matthew Lemer, MD., a urologist at Beth Israel Medical Center. You’ll just want to find out from your doctor how long it’ll take for the medication to kick in, since it varies from drug to drug.

10. Anesthetic wipes

In 2017, a small study found that applying wipes covered in a small amount of benzocaine, a mild anesthetic, can help you last longer in bed. The problem? If your partner has a vagina, the wipes could have the unintended effect of numbing her down there, says NYC-based urologist Dr. David Samadi.

If you’re interested in trying out anesthetic wipes, Roman—the online service that sends generic erectile dysfunction medication straight to your door—also offers “Roman Swipes.” The Swipes have a 4% benzocaine solution, which reportedly reduces overstimulation without eliminating sensation altogether.

Additionally, Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, urologist and sexual health expert at Orlando Health, suggests numbing medications—like Promescent—that come in creams and sprays. “Similar to a condom these things can cause you to have less sexual pleasure,” Brahmbhatt explains. “Plus, it can affect the partners satisfaction as well. Make sure your partner knows you are using it as a heads up and also to make sure they don’t have a history or allergic reaction or problem with its use.”

11. Tech support

A new FDA-cleared program called Prolong purportedly helps train you to delay ejaculation by jerking off with a special device. For $299, you get a vibrating masturbation gadget, a guidebook, and some lube.

"Over your six-week training program, the studs and vibrations combine to fine tune that over-sensitive sweet spot under the head of your penis just enough to hand you the reigns to your climax," its website — a sexual health platform called Smiling Dick — states.

Don’t want to spend $299, but still want to treat your PE? There’s an app for that.

Check out the Premature Ejaculation App — or Pea, for short. Billed as a “virtual sex therapist,” the app guides you through a three-step masturbation training program to help treat your PE, and lets you track your improvement over time.

12. Ask an expert

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to have better, longer sex without success, it may be time to discuss your problem with a doctor, Dr. Walsh says. “A lot of the treatments we’ve already discussed—edging and biofeedback—are pretty challenging techniques that a specialist can help you use effectively.”

He recommends asking your doctor for a referral to a urologist, who can either treat you himself or refer you to the right person for your problem.

“He or she will help you approach this practically and pragmatically,” Dr. Walsh says, adding, “It’s not about getting in touch with your inner self. It’s about learning the physical or mental mechanisms that can help you avoid premature ejaculation.”