Friday, February 26, 2021

Dating Tips for Men from Women: Single Ladies Get Honest

 What’s the best way to approach a woman? What should you say? What shouldn’t you say? Do women still want you to pay on the first date? Do they still like it when you make the first move? With so many of the dynamics of how we date changing every day, sometimes it helps to get a woman’s perspective on what she thinks. That’s why we went straight to the source and asked over 3,000 women on the online dating site and app Zoosk to share their best dating tips for men from women.

From advice on how to send a first message online, to what they find the most and least attractive, these ladies let us know what they’re really looking for and what they wish men would do more often. Check out what they had to say:

Tip #1: Be who you are, not who you think she wants you to be.When you’re trying to impress someone, it can feel natural to agree with everything they say, or pretend interest in a topic you really don’t care about, but according to these women, it can backfire. When asked what men could do better, a lot of women said they loved it when men were open and honest.

“Be yourself and never lie or stretch the truth about anything. It’s not necessary and will stop someone from getting to know you or getting close to the true you. We all have imperfections and actions we’re not proud of but it makes us who we are.”

“Don’t say something to make me happy that you don’t actually mean. Know what you want and mean what you say.”

“My piece of advice for men would be to be yourself, but always put your best foot forward. You want to be your most authentic self, but keep in mind first impressions are everything.”

“Just be yourself, don’t try to be someone you’re not. If you’re nervous, we probably are too.”

“Be open and honest about who are and what you want. It’s natural to want to be friendly and accepted, but it’s more important to be who you are and not mold yourself into the person that you think your love interest wants.”

“Be honest. Be yourself. Some people like nerdy while others like sporty. Oh, and walk away if someone says they aren’t interested. There are plenty of women who will like what you have to offer, just not the one that rejected you. So let it go and move on to someone who’s better for you.”

Tip #2: Talk about your hobbies and interests. Women want to hear it.

When asked what they like to talk about in their first conversation with a man, most women said hobbies or interests. Another really popular topic was simply chatting about how her day or week is going. But save religion or current events for later. Even though they’re great things to talk about once you’ve had a date or two, most women are more interested in getting to know about you in a first conversation.

Tip #3: Don’t move too fast. 

All of us, men and women, are guilty of getting too excited about a new relationship and trying to move things forward too quickly. After being asked what their best piece of advice for men was, many women stressed the importance of slowing things down. Especially during the first few dates.

“If you want a relationship to last, don’t rush into things. Realize that some women need some time to themselves away from a relationship, especially if they are used to being on their own.”

“Try to get to know her first and see if you get along in general and have common interests.”

“Keep it light at first, but be honest about your feelings.”

“Recognize that when you ask a woman out the only thing you’ve established is that you are interested in her. If you want her to say yes, you need to make it your goal to get her just as interested in you. So be kind, be understanding, and above all be yourself.”

“Don’t suffocate a woman, but let her know you’re there for her.”

“Slow your roll! You may be looking for a relationship but if your expectations are too high or if you come on too strong, it will scare a woman away. Just take it slow, be yourself, and see where it goes. Slow and steady wins the race.”

Tip #4: Women are looking for a trustworthy man but also value attraction.

When asked what they value the most when looking for someone to start a relationship with, 37% of women said honesty and trust but physical attraction came in second with 22% of the vote. Other popular qualities women look for? A sense of humor and someone who values faith and family. (Which isn’t too different from what men want in a serious relationship.)

Tip #5: Wondering what to say while online dating? Tell her what you like about her profile.

When asked about what a man should say in an online dating first message, the most popular way to break the ice was to tell a woman what you like about her profile. After that, women said just saying hi does the trick. But be careful, even though women like it when men say hi you may have a hard time standing out if it’s all you say. After looking into the data, Zoosk found that women respond less to messages that say hi, hello, or hey.

Tip #6: Manners and cleanliness matters. 

Women brought up manners and etiquette a lot while describing the traits they desire most in a man. And, on the flip side, a lot of women said it turned them off when a man dressed sloppy for a date. What does this mean? If you’re a guy, a little extra attention to your hair, clothes, and general cleanliness can go a long way. Part of showing a woman that you care about her, is showing her that you’re putting in the effort to impress her. You don’t have to be into fashion or dressed to the nines to show a woman you’re trying for her. Sometimes all it takes is a shower, a clean shirt, and a shave.

A few specific things that turned women off:

“A man with a lack of manners, lack of etiquette, or horrible eating habits.”

“When a man talks too loud, or has bad table manners.”

“When they are rude to the staff at a restaurant.”

A few specific things that turned women on: 

“A man who pulls out chairs and opens doors.”

“When a man looks and smells clean and neat.”

“When a man is calm and focused on our discussion.”

Tip #7: Wait to bring up sex. When it comes to sex, everyone is different and everyone moves at a different pace. It goes without saying that a man should never pressure or push a woman into having sex before she’s comfortable (and vise versa), but many of the women we talked to explained that men should wait for the relationship to get more serious before bringing up the subject. And they definitely shouldn’t bring it up in a first message while online dating, or in the first conversation.

“Concentrate on getting to know the woman you’re with. Make that the priority, rather than concentrating on the physical side of a relationship.”

“If you want a relationship with someone be willing to build a relationship before bringing up the subject of sex. We may want sex too, but we also want to keep our self-respect and to be able to trust the man we become intimate with.”

“It turns me off when a man brings up sex in the first online or phone conversation. It’s great for some people but not for me.”

“Overly sexual flirty talk when I just meet a man, makes me uncomfortable and the wall goes right up.”

Getting physical is an important part of a romantic relationship. For some people, sex and intimacy don’t necessarily come hand in hand, so it may feel natural to have sex and discuss sex sooner. For others, intimacy and trust are a must before anything can get physical. Respect that the woman you’re with may think of sex differently than you do and adjust your behavior.

Tip #8: Be honest about what you’re looking for and when it’s not working out.

There’s a reason being breadcrumbed or ghosted are things so many people have had experiences and problems with. It’s hard to tell someone you don’t like them or to be honest about things that aren’t working for you. It’s uncomfortable and it can be tempting to take the easy way out and avoid confrontation. However, the vast majority of women we talked to said they appreciate men who are honest about how they’re feeling. It’s better to know someone isn’t interested in you, then to feel hopeful about a relationship that’s never going to happen.

“Don’t string anyone along if you’re not serious. State your intentions and see if you’re looking for the same thing she is.”

“Many men lie to avoid hurting a girl’s feelings. But what they don’t get is that the truth may not be what a woman wants to hear, but the the truth only hurts once. When men lie, it hurts every time we think about the fact that they chose to lie rather than respect us and just tell the truth.”

“If you’re not interested, that’s fine. But if you’ve been talking, emailing, or have maybe even had a date or two… if you want to break it off just say so.”

“Don’t disappear after talking for a few weeks, even if you know it’s not working. At least give a reason, not false hope.”

Like all advice, it’s good to take all of this feedback with a grain of salt. After all, it’s good to get a woman’s perspective but it’s also good to remember that the advice is coming from one point of view. Though the advice women give is often thoughtful and honest, don’t forget to talk to your friends too. See what your family thinks. Or go to the experts. Because when it comes to dating and relationships, there isn’t one solid answer, one way to meet people, or even one approach finding the one for you. Listen to what others say, be open-minded, and consider different perspectives. Then try things out for yourself and find what works for you. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

10 Dating Tips I Wish I'd Followed While I Was Single

 Let us save you some time, energy and heartache. You can thank us later.

When I started seeing my husband, aka the first guy I wasn't embarrassed to tell my therapist about, I was gobsmacked to realize how much I hadn't known about dating before then.

In fact, I'd been going about being single all wrong. I didn't have very much fun at it, which is depressing since I didn't pair up until my 30s.

Besides, so much luck was involved in my finding my match that there are probably more alternate universes where I'm still living solo than where I'm married.I realize that my past experiences have made me who I am today, but I still wish I could go back in time and have a sisterly chat with poor, clueless, "younger me" about relationships.

I could've written three novels, started a business, and hiked the Appalachian Trail with all the wasted time and energy. It's too late for me, but maybe you can learn from what I wish I knew when I was single.

Related: The Best Part Of Being Single Is Knowing Nobody's Cheating On You

 1. Finding a romantic partner is only one of many goals you can have at once.

There's a difference between making something a priority and having an obsession. No one wants to be the Captain Ahab of the dating world. Relationships are great, but don't obsess over them!

2. When you like a guy and your mutual friends have multiple anecdotes about him projectile vomiting after excessive drinking, you need to rethink the infatuation.

You didn't like it when your godson hurled on you, and he's a toddler. 

3. It's not about getting someone to think you're good enough for them.

It’s about finding someone you can stand to spend a ridiculous amount of time with. It's about finding the puzzle piece you fit with and the Ernie to your Bert.

4. Work on your gaydar.

It'll make your life much easier.

5. Sometimes boyfriends have little annoying habits.

And sometimes they have small behaviors that indicate a complete lack of respect. If you wouldn't let your friend's sweetie talk to her that way, don't put up with it yourself.

Related: 4 CRYSTAL CLEAR Reasons Why You Should Date More Than One Guy At A Time

6. If you're bored out of your mind at the local bar on Saturday night, you're probably not going to meet anyone there who's going to liven up your evening.

Instead of downing an extra cocktail to numb the ennui, think of somewhere else to go next weekend that you might actually enjoy. If your friends don't want to join you, go anyway.

7. Stop worrying about potential paramours rejecting you for being too fat, too short, too whatever.

It's entirely possible that you would've had to reject them for never having seen Star Wars (your essential piece of pop culture may vary) anyway. People who simply are "not the right fit" exist. The sooner you weed them out of your life, the happier you'll be.

8. Go to movies by yourself.

The same goes for museums, parks, and concerts. When you're part of a couple, you miss being free to follow your every whim. Being unattached means not having to compromise on your plans.

9. A first date is not an audition for marriage.

It's just a tryout for a second date. No one ever fell in love while analyzing every detail of their momentous first meeting. 

Related: 38 Quotes From Celebrities Who Know How To Make Love Last

10. If a man says that he's too damaged for you (or too neurotic, or too anything) just take his word for it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Top dating tips for men (by a woman)

 Dating can be a tricky business. What should you wear? Where should you meet? How much should you say? Who should pay? How soon after your date should you call? There are endless questions that can spin around your head before, during and after a date, which is why we’ve compiled a list of some top dating tips for men, to help make sure your date is a success.

1. First impressions are always important

Your ripped jeans may be lucky, but remember, this will be the first impression your date gets of you. Yes, you should never pretend to be someone that you’re not, but a girl might like to see that you take pride in your appearance. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you need to wear a full tuxedo, but having a shower, shave, using aftershave and putting on something suitable will help you impress your date and get you off to a good start. Now all you have to worry about is turning up on time.

2. Make date plans for somewhere you’ll feel comfortable

You might think that you’re being a gentleman by letting your date decide where you go on your date, but women often like to see that you can take control. Plus, as dating can be a daunting experience, help cut through those nerves by arranging to meet up in familiar territory. This will help make you feel more comfortable. Although, maybe avoid your normal Saturday night pub, as bumping into your mates could be a little distracting on your date.

3. Be confident

Women value confidence highly when it comes to choosing a guy. If you’re a little shy, practice beforehand by talking to people you don’t know. Or, whilst on the date, pick a subject that you’re enthusiastic about, such as a hobby. She will sense your confidence as you talk passionately about it. Many people may also be shy about their appearance. You may not be 6ft tall with a 6-pack, but it’s more attractive to a woman to show that you’re comfortable in your own skin and happy being you.

4. Don’t do all the talking

On your date, make sure you don’t do all the talking. Try to keep what you have to say short and concise. You don’t want to start boring your date. If this date goes well, there will be lots more opportunities to share your stories in the future. Don’t be scared of pauses and help mix up the conversation by asking your date questions. Listening is important, as it shows that you are interested in what she has to say.

5. Keep the conversation fun

Try to keep your conversation light-hearted. On your first date, you don’t want to get into an in-depth conversation about why you don’t enjoy your job, or other issues you’ve been having. Women want a guy who can make them laugh and ask the right questions. Yes you do have to be serious sometimes, but in the early stages of dating, have some fun.

6. Avoid the ‘ex’ conversation

Talking about your ex is dangerous territory. It’s best to stay away from the conversation altogether. Your date will not be interested and it can make things feel awkward between you. If your date does bring up the subject, try to keep answers short (without appearing suspicious). Reassure her that your past is history and that you want to spend your time getting to know her instead.

7. Turn off your phone

There’s nothing more annoying than phones ringing whilst trying to spend quality time out with friends, and it’s just as irritating on a date. Don’t just put it on silent or vibrate, as you can still become distracted. Turn your phone off completely. If she knows that you’ve turned your phone off to focus entirely on the date, she’ll appreciate you’re taking the time to engage with her fully.

8. Offer to pay

Things have shifted and most women will assume that they are paying for their share of the bill. On your first date, insist on treating her (although don’t be forceful). This will make you look like a gentleman. But, if she still wants to pay, suggest she gets the bill on your next date, if she wishes.

9. Follow up correctly

If you don’t want a second date, don’t say you’ll call her. You’ll end up feeling bad and she might feel hurt. Just say, “I had a great time tonight”. If you do want to see her again, don’t play games. Yes, in films they always leave it a couple of days to contact each other, but this is 2016. If you don’t contact her within a couple of days, you’ll seem like you couldn’t be bothered, or didn’t enjoy the date. The sooner you tell her what a great time you had, the better.

10. Get feedback from a female friend

Dating is not something we learn at school, we simply have to jump in the deep end and see how it goes. But, if you’re looking to improve your dating skills, why not talk to a female friend. Discuss your last date, where you went, what you did and what you talked about. Everyone has different opinions, but it can help to give you some useful feedback on how to be better on your next date.

So, you have a date lined up and you’ve seen our top tips for dating. All that is left is to take a deep breath, relax and try to enjoy being yourself.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

People Confess The Real Reasons They Cheated On Their SO

 No, seriously, I don’t get it. Obviously, life is complicated, things happen and there’s no real black-and-white answer to anything, but cheating is just something I can’t really even begin to fathom.

The ground rules of a monogamous relationship are pretty simple: Don’t boink other people. No matter what sort of monogamous relationship you’re in, that’s pretty much the one bottom line.


He shouldn’t have been in a relationship in the first place.

I shouldn’t have been in a relationship in the first place as I wanted to fuck every decent looking girl I met. And if they were up for it, then we went at it.

I’m done with all that now.

His girlfriend was too vanilla in bed.

We had been slowly falling out of love and turning into roommates that occasionally rubbed privates together.

There was a lot of talk about spicing it up in the bedroom but by her own admission, she’s pretty vanilla and didn’t want to wrap her head around the idea of other positions besides missionary and her being on top.

I had been training a very attractive and smart woman at work who noticed I was having a hard time one day and I spilled everything out to her at lunch.

A few more weeks of shameless flirting between the both of us culminated in an incredible night in a hotel room that currently holds the top preferred customer spot in my spank bank.

It felt awful imagining my girlfriend’s face but at that point the path ahead was crystal clear, we broke up the next day and I never told her what happened. The co-worker and I continued to date off and on for two years. We never could make a relationship work but fell back on the sex.. that whole time was full of lessons I’m still learning.His girlfriend wasn’t there for him in his time of need, but his ex was.I was in a serious car accident.

My GF at the time was really busy and couldn’t be there for me the way I wished. But my ex was. One thing led to another, and I ended up sleeping with my ex.

Worst decision of my life

She never trusted him in the first place.

The reason was because she was constantlly [sic] accusing me of cheating after I caught her cheating and speaking with her ex behind my back.

She would steal my belongings and if I broke up with her she would use that against me to force me to talk to her and eventually get back together because sex…

Just ended a month ago when she caught me on a date with another girl and hit me with her car. So it was kinda worth it. Though my custom made ironwood bear, watch and ps4 are gone now ??

It was just a drunken mistake.

There wasn’t any logic.

I was drunk and didn’t stop the advances of another girl.

I had never been so happy than in my prior relationship. Never felt so loved and loved someone so much.

I gave up everything in a split second….

It was payback for what he put her through.

My SO had cheated on me multiple times, and one night I said “fk it” and went out to get drunk with work mates.

I met a guy that I worked with that treated me like a princess, was attentive and all around sweet. We hit it off. It wasn’t intentional, it just happened.

I remember thinking that it was a bad idea and then thought “you know what, I deserve happiness too. It’s not all about [my SO]”.

I left my SO the next day. Best decision I ever made.

He was thinking with his dick.

No logic. Thinking with my dick.

Feels good in the moment then regrets later.

Why would I risk so much for such a stupid fleeting feeling? I love my SO.

This is way back in my past and I’ve learned a lot and wisened [sic] up.

He was self-destructing.

I was in bad shape in terms of mental health and I went through bouts of wanting to self destruct. Basically, I wanted to feel like garbage and sleeping with people who didn’t care about me did that. I did a lot of other self destructive things as well.

You know how they say “I should have been on the back of your mind.” or some crap like that? The truth is, I wasn’t thinking about my SO at all when I did those things, even though I loved them deeply.

I just wanted to kill myself without killing myself.

The “right” woman just wasn’t right for him.

I was with a woman who should have been “right” for me.

But, she was cold, distant and a bit of a bitch. She was smart, witty, well liked and highly thought-of by colleagues and friends; but, behind closed doors, she was the opposite.

I tried to change her, I even tried changing myself.

She had “accidentally” cheated on me earlier in our relationship, and when I met someone who was nice to me and made me feel good about myself… Well, I went for it. Cheated on my SO.

But, to be fair, I dumped her immediately afterward.

The relationship was terrible.

I was in a terrible relationship where we didn’t get along at all.

There were rumours that she was with another guy. I though [sic] “fuck you” and just started hitting it off with some other girl.

We broke up just a few weeks later but the relationship with the other girl lasted three times longer.

I’d say it was worth it.

Her boyfriend was never in the mood.

Our sexual chemistry wasn’t in tune.

He simply was NEVER in the mood. I tried so damn hard – gently giving tips, suggestions etc, but no dice. He just didn’t fuck me. I would buy nice lingerie which he chose, wear it with his response being “sexy” and turning back to the computer.

Eventually I met guys who wanted to have sex and I did. We broke up after I realized how much I could get away with.

The only think [sic] I regret is not ending the relationship sooner.

He lets himself get tempted toward the end of a relationship.

I’m an asshole, and basically when I feel the relationship is coming to an end I’ll let myself get tempted. I’m single now, and I have a lot of growing up to do.

Her constant complaining finally got to him.

I mean I wouldn’t say there was much logic behind it.

I felt like shit about myself and my partners constant complaining about everything was bringing me down.

I should have broken up with her but instead I fucked someone else.

He slipped up with an ex.

My ex and I were still living with one another. She wanted one last hurrah and wouldn’t leave it alone.

I could have done a lot of things differently and I’m filled with regret but that ruined the beginning of the best relationship I’ve ever had. It destroyed trust and its all my fault.

Aside from other issues this was a big error but it has forced me to become better than who I was.

I just wanted my ex out of my life but I should have been honest. Lying is a death sentence for relationships.

It all comes down to one thing…

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The 15 Most Important Dating Tips for Women

 When it comes to dating tips for women, one size doesn’t fit all. A young woman in her teens or 20s dates A LOT differently than a woman in her 30s and 40s. And while most woman generally want the same outcome, there are certain things women in their 30s and 40s know about dating that they disregarded or simply didn’t focus as much on in their younger years.

That’s why we talked to some of today’s top dating experts to see what they saw as the most important advice women in their 30s and 40s dating today should think about. After going through what they had to say, we came up with these 15 top dating tips for women who are out of their 20s and ready for something more serious.

1. Know your non-negotiables.

These would be those instant deal breakers of yours—he’s a smoker, a non-monogamist, a cat-lover, etc.—that instantly tell you to move on so you’re not wasting your time. “What are those three things that are not negotiable when you’re looking for a relationship?” asked relationship expert Dr. Melanie Mills. “Try not to include physical or financial attributes. Focus on character traits, personality type, and value systems.”

2. Don’t limit yourself.

“In your 20s you might have frowned when thinking about dating a guy with a child or one that had previously been married,” says Mills. But the chances are, if a man is is his 40s, there’s a higher probability he’s been married or has kids.  “Stay open to men that have been divorced,” she adds.

3. Don’t lie. Don’t even inflate the truth.

Sure, you want to impress each other, but honesty from the start is a prerequisite to trust, says psychotherapist, Dr. Jennifer Freed. “If the picture or description of your date was inaccurate then the rest of the relationship will be likely be filled with deceptions too.”

4. Forget about any texting and calling rules.

Rules like ‘wait 3 days to call back’ no longer apply. “If you treat dating and love like a game, someone—or both of you—will end up the loser,” says host of, The Rendezvous with Simon and Kim on iHeart Radio, Simon Marcel Badinter. “If you want to, call back in the next 24 hours. It has to be honest and spontaneous if you want to be respected and start a healthy relationship.”

5. Pay attention to the red flags.

You know that feeling you get when you know something isn’t quite right? If your date can’t answer simple questions about where he works or acts super shady, chances are something weird is going on. “Listen to what your gut is telling you,” says Mills. And that goes for behaviors too. If he’s already getting on your nerves and it’s only the first date that’s another indicator that you’re just not going to work.

6. Know who you are as a person.

This is a complex one but necessary to surviving in a rapid dating world, says sex and relationship expert, Dr. Nikki Goldstein. “Building strength and self-confidence is key. The reality of it is, dating can be hard and feelings can be hurt. But if you know who you are and how you want to be treated then you won’t allow someone (or the dating scene) to continually hurt or discourage you.”

7. Be emotionally available.

Maybe your past relationships haven’t turned out like you wanted them to, or you feel like every date in the past month was a lemon. Well, get over it. “It’s still up to you to open your heart—and keep it open. This can be scary because you don’t want to get hurt. However, in order to grow and connect, you must be available and vulnerable,” says Mills.

8. Watch the alcohol.

Especially on date number one. Not only can getting drunk be risky and a turnoff, it also clouds your judgement. “Using substances like alcohol or drugs is not a good first date. It’s away to avoid a genuine connection,” says Freed.

9. Remember that dating is an exploration.

Dating should be fun and nothing more than a way to meet and get to know another person, who may or may not be fit to share your life with you. “[Dating] is not a commitment. There is no obligation involved with dating. No one owes anyone anything ever,” says Freed. It’s easy to get excited about someone and start planning your future together, but remember that you’re both just figuring out if you even like each other first. Don’t put pressure on things by feeling like you owe each other something, you don’t.

10. Know your sexual boundaries.

“Many women can confuse sex and sexual desires with a guy’s interest in them. He wants sex, she also wants sex but thinks him wanting sex means there is something more,” says Goldstein. “Explore your sexual boundaries and know where they are and why they’re there.” And, even more importantly, don’t let yourself be pressured into doing anything you don’t want to do just because you want to gain someone’s interest.

11. Don’t hide your enthusiasm or interest.

One of the dating tips for women we hear a lot is not to let a man know you like him, or to play hard to get. Well, that’s just wrong. Sure, a little mystery may be sexy in the beginning, but the game gets old fast. Even research shows that playing too much hard-to-get makes others like you less. At a certain point, you just have to let the man know you’re interested.

12. Be the date that you want to have.

It’s not only your date’s responsibility to make the date a success, it’s your responsibility too. “Engage in dialogue. Put the cell phone away. Be attentive. Ask questions. Don’t bring up your ex. Take an interest in the details of his life by listening, paraphrasing, and engaging,” says Mills.

13. Ditch the dating wish list.

Have your non-negotiables and boundaries, but dating with a strict itemized wish list—he must make this much, be this tall, drive this car, be this funny—will only hold you back from men who could be great for you in real life and limit you to men who only look good on paper, says Goldstein. “If you need a wish list it should be small and include feeling words instead of car makes and job titles,” she adds.

14. Have fun and release the pressure.

It’s normal to feel pressure as you watch your friends get married and have children, but remember that every person’s path is different. “You don’t want to settle down with a guy who’s not right for you. Therefore, release the pressure you place on yourself to lock down your next date as your future husband. Take each date one date at a time and have fun,” says Mills.

15. Be your true self.

Any falseness or pretending will stop you from knowing that someone is into you. “If you’re real, you’ll get real results. Be brave, be true, and most of all, believe that someone will celebrate and desire you,” says Freed.

The 21 Most Important Dating Tips for Men

 Text versus call, hike versus drink, ask more or fewer questions… The ins and outs of dating can be very confusing for men these days. However, many of the tried and true dating tips never change. So in an effort to help out the fellas out there, we asked dating and relationship experts from across the board what the most important dating tips for men are.

Here’s their list of the top 21:

1. If you met someone in person, then ask for a date in person or on the phone.

“Don’t email or text to ask a woman out for the first time. The latter are impersonal, and dating is all about getting to know someone personally. It also sets a poor tone for the relationship’s communication dynamics.” – Erika Martinez, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist

2. While online dating, don’t push too quickly to meet in person.

“For most women, online dating involves a certain level of risk and anxiety so spend time getting to know her online and through phone and video chats before suggesting meeting in person to ensure she feels comfortable.” – Dr. Wyatt Fisher, Clinical Psychologist

3. Take initiative.

“When you’re talking or texting while planning the date, as the guy always have a time and place in mind. You never want to get into one of those exchanges like… ‘What do you want to do? Oh I don’t know, what do you want to do?’ Be confident and make a recommendation.” – Radio Wright, Online Dating Expert

4. Make your first few dates in public.

“Make your first few dates in public and drive separately to let the lady know making her feel safe is your top priority.”- Dr. Wyatt Fisher, Clinical Psychologist

5. Take your date somewhere you’ll feel comfortable.

“You might think that you’re being a gentleman by letting your date decide where you go on your date, but women like to see that you can take control. Help cut through any nerves by arranging to meet up in familiar territory that will help you feel more comfortable.” – Nicolas Aujula, Relationship Coach and Therapist

6. Call her to confirm the date.

“Doctors and dentists do it; so should you. Since men usually don’t pick up the women they date, calling to confirm a date is pretty easy and puts the women at ease.” – Stef Safran, Matchmaking and Dating Expert

7. Look your best.

“A lot of guys don’t think about how they look before going on dates, even though women pay attention to the little details related to appearance. Make sure you are well-groomed (check for dirty fingernails, freshly apply deodorant, shower). Second, make sure your clothes match, aren’t wrinkled, and look decent on you.” –David Bennett, Dating Coach at The Popular Man

8. Confidence is key.

“The way you enter a room or share a glance are indicators of your confidence working for you or against you. When you feel odd or awkward people can pick up on that uneasiness which will equate to whether or not you are perceived as attractive. One of the best ways to make a good first impression is by showing your confidence.” – Denise Levy, Professional MatchMaker

9. Open doors and hold seats out.

“Women appreciate these old-school good manners. They also convey that you’re appreciative of her choosing to spend her time getting to know you.” – Erika Martinez, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist

10. Turn off your phone.

“There’s nothing more annoying then phones going off while you’re trying to spend quality time with someone. Turn your phone off completely. If she knows that you’ve turned your phone off to focus entirely on the date, she’ll appreciate that you’re taking the time to engage with her fully.” – Nicolas Aujula, Relationship Coach and Therapist

11. Keep the conversation fun and flirty.

“Since guys tend to be very analytical, it’s easy for them to turn conversations into a fact-sharing session. Women find conversations like this boring. It’s fine to share facts, but make sure to add in humor, intrigue, and flirtatious overtones. This will make her excitedly hang on your every word.” -David Bennett, Dating Coach at The Popular Man

12. Avoid the ex conversation.

“Your date will not be interested and it can make things feel awkward. If your date does bring up the subject, try to keep answers short. Reassure her that your past is history and that you want to spend your time getting to know her instead.”– Nicolas Aujula, Relationship Coach and Therapist

13. Make your first few dates Action Dates.

“Most women aren’t dying to sit down for two hours to share a boring meal with a stranger, playing an awkward game of 20 questions. Instead, plan something more fun and adventurous. (Like bowling, hiking, kayaking.) Especially on the first few dates when impressions matter the most. Give them a date they’ll remember.”-David Bennett, Dating Coach at The Popular Man

14. Learn how to compliment.

“People put effort into getting ready for a date so take the time to compliment the other person and mean it! Not jus, ‘I like your dress’ but ‘I like how your dress brings out the color of your eyes.’ Always look for the best in others and it will bring out the best in you!”- Denise Levy, Professional MatchMaker

15. Keep it light hearted.

“Try to keep your conversation light-hearted. On your first date, you don’t want to get into an in-depth conversation about why you don’t enjoy your job, or other issues. Avoid talking about religion, politics, or recent news that’s controversial. Women want a guy who can make them laugh. Yes you do have to be serious sometimes, but in the early stages of dating, have some fun.”– Nicolas Aujula, Relationship Coach and Therapist

16. DO NOT talk about future plans during a first date.

“This is usually done out of lack of confidence hoping the girl wants to see you in the future. Women will feel this neediness. Just enjoy the date and if things go well, make future planes when you talk on the phone next.”– Radio Wright, Online Dating Expert

17. Leave a little mystery.

“When you are getting to know someone you do not want to lay all your cards out on the table or tell your entire life story. The sense of mystery keeps them coming back for more and creates a certain chemistry that will make you stand out from others.”- Denise Levy, Professional MatchMaker

18. Offer to make sure she gets to her cab, car, or her next destination.

“Make sure she gets in her car, cab, etc. safely. Women’s safety is important, showing her that you care about her, shows her that you are a gentleman.”- Stef Safran, Matchmaking and Dating Expert

19. Let her take the first step towards physical/sexual contact.

“This will help her feel like you care about her and not just her body and help her feel safe and that she’s in control of the pace you’re moving without pressure.”- Dr. Wyatt Fisher, Clinical Psychologist

20. Only say you will call her if you truly intend to.

“Women can handle rejection. More people complain about the flakiness and the ghosting. If you are not interested, don’t lead her on. After all, you never know if the next woman you date somehow knows her.”- Stef Safran, Matchmaking and Dating Expert

21. Don’t play games.

We get that you don’t want to seem needy, clingy, desperate, or overzealous. But if you’d like to see her again, just let her know. “You can weave it into the conversation at the end of the first date (e.g. ‘This was a great evening. Would you open to seeing each other again soon?’) If she says ‘yes’, then say, ‘Awesome. I’ll call you on ___ and set something up.’ Then follow through and call when you say you would.”- Erika Martinez, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

12 Dating Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life

 Real talk: Dating is sometimes harder than it should be. After countless dinners and drinks, it can be tempting to throw in the towel and resign to nights of forever watching Netflix alone in your bed. But when dating is done right, it can be amazing, and those great dates often lead to great relationships. So consider this your dating playbook, with all the information you need to survive the first date and make sure there's a second one.

Go Beyond the Bar Scene

Sure, you might meet the love of your life while sipping gin and tonics, but wouldn't it be so much cooler to say you met at a mud run? You never know where you're going to meet the next person you date, so if you're only looking in one spot (like that bar where you're a regular) then you're missing out on tons of possible partners. We know plenty of couples who have met while standing in line at the grocery store, a Target parking lot, even a naked reality show. The takeaway? Love can crop up anywhere, so get out there and keep your eyes open.

Let Your Friends Set You Up

No one loves you quite like your friends do, so let them set you up with someone that they can vouch for. "It's better for single people to meet through friends because there's a familiarity and comfort that goes with that," says behavioral scientist Christie Hartman, Ph.D. "A friend setting you up means the guy is 'vetted' to some extent." So let them play matchmaker—but first, lay down some rules. Make it clear ahead of time that the way the date goes is totally not a reflection on your friend, or you, or the guy. Hey, sometimes chemistry is there, and sometimes it isn't. So unless your friend is Patti Stanger, remind her that it's no one’s fault if this goes horribly wrong. (But if it goes totally right, you should probably buy her a drink).

Consider Dating Your Friends

The term "friend zone" should totally be banished—in part, because your friends can sometimes make the best dates. Think about it: Someone you're already friends with is likely to have similar values, to know your background and your family, and to make you feel ultra comfortable with them. Plus, friendship is the foundation for any relationship, so having that bond established can be key, says relationship expert Jane Greer, Ph.D., author of What About Me? Stop Selfishness From Ruining Your Relationship.

Choose the Right Dating Site

The Internet is a beautiful thing: It brought us Twitter, cat videos, Orange Is the New Black, and now, it can bring you love. But when you're ready to make the plunge into online dating, how do you decide which site to sign up for? We found a handy cheat sheet from digital matchmaker Julie Spira, who gave us the lowdown on 12 popular dating sites. Think about what it is you want out of an online dating experience—A hookup? A boyfriend? A marriage?—then choose the site that matches your interests, so you're not just wasting your time online (that's what the cat videos are for).

Focus On First Impressions

First dates can be overwhelming, so streamline your focus into making the first few moments count. It takes only 12 minutes for you to decide if you're interested in the other person (and for them to decide if they dig you) so bring your A-game the second you arrive. To make a stellar first impression, make eye contact, smile, and focus on what he's saying, according to Susan RoAne, author of How to Work a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections—In Person and Online. And don’t forget to check in with yourself, too! You might be so focused on making a flawless first impression that you forget to ask yourself if you’re even into the other person.

Don't Play It Cool on a Date

We've all been told that guys love the chase, but according to research, that's not exactly true. One study showed that men are more attracted to responsive women, and women who were kind and warm right off the bat. That doesn't mean being over-the-top eager—you don't have to laugh at his jokes if they're not funny—but it's definitely OK to respond to that text in a timely manner, or tell him how much fun you're having. Being kind is definitely a turn on, so forget what you’ve been told about playing it ice-cold.

Avoid Oversharing 

Word-vomit happens, but one way to tank a first date is to admit how long you spent Google stalking him or accidentally blurt out, "Woah, you look exactly like my ex!" The censorship walls can come down after a little bit, but try to steer clear of these awkward comments on a first date, or we're guessing there won't be a second one.

Pay Attention to HOW You Talk to Each Other 

It's more than just what you're saying—it's how you say it. One study showed that when men talk to a woman they find attractive, they tend to vary their vocal pitch from high to low tones (in a sing-songy way). If you're looking to analyze the long-term potential, pay attention to the types of words you both use. Another study suggested that people who use the same function words (maybe you both say "quite" and "tons" a lot) are more likely to couple up and stay together.

Follow Their Gaze

Is it love at first sight? It depends on where their eyeballs land. Research suggests that when someone feels a romantic connection, his or her gaze tends to linger on the other person's face. When they just feel sexual desire, their eyes tend to wander around the person's body. During the next date you're on, follow their gaze. If he's staring into your eyes all night, there’s a good chance he's really into you.

Don't Let Your Friends Ruin Your Vibe 

Getting your friends' (and family's) opinion on your new beau is essential, but if you ask too soon, it could color your own feelings. One study showed that when opinions were framed differently—saying that "seven out of ten" people liked your date, versus "three out of ten" people didn't like him—it can seriously affect our own evaluation. So you might want to avoid asking for an outside opinion until you've gotten the chance to make one yourself.

If You're Not Into Him, Move On

Dating someone who you're just not into is a total waste of time. Be realistic with yourself: Are you embarrassed to call him your "boyfriend"? Has he met your friends? Would you rather be watching Netflix than talking to him? Are you only with him for fear of being single? These are all good signs that you're just not that into him, and you should peace out of this relationship. Trust us, being single is way better than being in a crappy relationship.

If At First You Don’t Succeed? Try, Try Again

We heard about a woman who committed to going on 100 dates this summer as a way of learning more about herself, and what she wants in a partner. While we don't think you necessarily need to do a dating marathon, it's often important to just get out there—especially if you feel like you’re in a rut. So when your date goes awry, or that relationship turns out to be a dud, don't give up. Your next amazing date might be right around the corner.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Dating Tips for Finding the Right Person

 Looking for love? These tips will help you find lasting love and build a worthwhile relationship.

Are you single and looking for love? Are you finding it hard to meet the right person? When you’re having trouble finding a love connection, it’s all too easy to become discouraged or buy into the destructive myths out there about dating and relationships.

Life as a single person offers many rewards, such as being free to pursue your own hobbies and interests, learning how to enjoy your own company, and appreciating the quiet moments of solitude. However, if you’re ready to share your life with someone and want to build a lasting, worthwhile relationship, life as a single person can also seem frustrating.

For many of us, our emotional baggage can make finding the right romantic partner a difficult journey. Perhaps you grew up in a household where there was no role model of a solid, healthy relationship and you doubt that such a thing even exists. Or maybe your dating history consists only of brief flings and you don’t know how to make a relationship last. You could be attracted to the wrong type of person or keep making the same bad choices over and over, due to an unresolved issue from your past. Or maybe you’re not putting yourself in the best environments to meet the right person, or that when you do, you don’t feel confident enough.

Whatever the case may be, you can overcome your obstacles. Even if you’ve been burned repeatedly or have a poor track record when it comes to dating, these tips can help put you on the path to finding a healthy, loving relationship that lasts.

Expectations about dating and finding love

When we start looking for a long-term partner or enter into a romantic relationship, many of us do so with a predetermined set of (often unrealistic) expectations—such as how the person should look and behave, how the relationship should progress, and the roles each partner should fulfill. These expectations may be based on your family history, influence of your peer group, your past experiences, or even ideals portrayed in movies and TV shows. Retaining many of these unrealistic expectations can make any potential partner seem inadequate and any new relationship feel disappointing.

Dating tip 1: Keep things in perspective

Don’t make your search for a relationship the center of your life. Concentrate on activities you enjoy, your career, health, and relationships with family and friends. When you focus on keeping yourself happy, it will keep your life balanced and make you a more interesting person when you do meet someone special.

Remember that first impressions aren’t always reliable, especially when it comes to Internet dating. It always takes time to really get to know a person and you have to experience being with someone in a variety of situations. For example, how well does this person hold up under pressure when things don’t go well or when they’re tired, frustrated, or hungry?

Be honest about your own flaws and shortcomings. Everyone has flaws, and for a relationship to last, you want someone to love you for the person you are, not the person you’d like to be, or the person they think you should be. Besides, what you consider a flaw may actually be something another person finds quirky and appealing. By shedding all pretense, you’ll encourage the other person to do the same, which can lead to an honest, more fulfilling relationship.

Tip 2: Build a genuine connection

The dating game can be nerve wracking. It’s only natural to worry about how you’ll come across and whether or not your date will like you. But no matter how shy or socially awkward you feel, you can overcome your nerves and self-consciousness and forge a great connection.

Focus outward, not inward. To combat first-date nerves, focus your attention on what your date is saying and doing and what’s going on around you, rather than on your internal thoughts. Staying fully present in the moment will help take your mind off worries and insecurities.

Be curious. When you’re truly curious about someone else’s thoughts, feelings, experiences, stories, and opinions, it shows—and they’ll like you for it. You’ll come across as far more attractive and interesting than if you spend your time trying to promote yourself to your date. And if you aren’t genuinely interested in your date, there’s little point in pursuing the relationship further.

Be genuine. Showing interest in others can’t be faked. If you’re just pretending to listen or care, your date will pick up on it. No one likes to be manipulated or placated. Rather than helping you connect and make a good impression, your efforts will most likely backfire. If you aren’t genuinely interested in your date, there is little point in pursuing the relationship further.

Pay attention. Make an effort to truly listen to the other person. By paying close attention to what they say, do, and how they interact, you’ll quickly get to know them. Little things go a long way, such as remembering someone’s preferences, the stories they’ve told you, and what’s going on in their life.

Put your smartphone away.You can’t truly pay attention or forge a genuine connection when you’re multitasking. Nonverbal communication—subtle gestures, expressions, and other visual cues—tell us a lot about another person, but they’re easy to miss unless you’re tuned in.

Tip 3: Put a priority on having fun

Online dating, singles events, and matchmaking services like speed dating are enjoyable for some people, but for others they can feel more like high-pressure job interviews. And whatever dating experts might tell you, there is a big difference between finding the right career and finding lasting love.

Instead of scouring dating sites or hanging out in pick-up bars, think of your time as a single person as a great opportunity to expand your social circle and participate in new events. Make having fun your focus. By pursuing activities you enjoy and putting yourself in new environments, you’ll meet new people who share similar interests and values. Even if you don’t find someone special, you will still have enjoyed yourself and maybe forged new friendships as well.

Tip 4: Handle rejection gracefully

At some point, everyone looking for love is going to have to deal with rejection—both as the person being rejected and the person doing the rejecting. It’s an inevitable part of dating, and never fatal. By staying positive and being honest with yourself and others, handling rejection can be far less intimidating. The key is to accept that rejection is an inevitable part of dating but to not spend too much time worrying about it. It’s never fatal.

Tip 5: Watch for relationship red flags

Red-flag behaviors can indicate that a relationship is not going to lead to healthy, lasting love. Trust your instincts and pay close attention to how the other person makes you feel. If you tend to feel insecure, ashamed, or undervalued, it may be time to reconsider the relationship.

Tip 6: Deal with trust issues

Mutual trust is a cornerstone of any close personal relationship. Trust doesn’t happen overnight; it develops over time as your connection with another person deepens. However, if you’re someone with trust issues—someone who’s been betrayed, traumatized, or abused in the past, or someone with an insecure attachment bond—then you may find it impossible to trust others and find lasting love.

If you have trust issues, your romantic relationships will be dominated by fear—fear of being betrayed by the other person, fear of being let down, or fear of feeling vulnerable. But it is possible to learn to trust others. By working with the right therapist or in a supportive group therapy setting, you can identify the source of your mistrust and explore ways to build richer, more fulfilling relationships.

Tip 7: Nurture your budding relationship

Finding the right person is just the beginning of the journey, not the destination. In order to move from casual dating to a committed, loving relationship, you need to nurture that new connection.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Many Ways to Last Longer In Bed

 One of the most frustrating afflictions that can befall a man is premature ejaculation. It's embarrassing, it's unexpected, and it turns what is supposed to be one life's greatest joys into one of life's greatest disappointments. No one wants to have to say I'm sorry at any point before, during, or after sex.

But men should know that while yes, PE can be incredibly frustrating, it's also incredibly common. “Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects almost every man at some point in his life,” says Thomas J. Walsh, M.D., a urologist at the University of Washington. While you're more likely to experience PE in your twenties and thirties, as many as one out of three men of all ages say they've experienced it at some point in their lives.

Knowing you're not alone can be comforting, but unfortunately it isn't going to change the reality of how PE can affect your agenda in the bedroom. If you want to start lasting longer in bed, then you're going to need to do something about it. This is far easier said than done.

What is the average time for ejaculation?

In a 2005 study, researchers had 500 heterosexual couples use stopwatches to measure the time between vaginal penetration and male ejaculation over four weeks of sex sessions. The overall median time was 5.4 minutes.

Lots of guys don't last as long as that. The 2014 book The New Naked: The Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups reported that nearly half of guys finish within two minutes, according to the New Republic.

You may be diagnosed with PE if you routinely ejaculate within one minute of penetration, no matter how hard you try to delay it.

One of the reasons PE is so maddening is that it can feel like you have no control over it. The harder you try to prevent it, the worse it seems to get. Yes, you may be able to last a few seconds longer in bed by thinking about your fantasy baseball team, but who wants to be thinking about baseball statistics during sex? Are there any substantive solutions?Thankfully, the answer is yes. Despite how hopeless your situation may feel, there are indeed plenty of smart, sensible, and healthy ways to curb, if not cure, your premature ejaculation and last even longer in bed.

1. Work it out

Or, in other words, work out your pubococcygeal (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor, and work them out good. To understand what these muscles feel like when they're fired up, trying cutting off the flow of urine the next time you're using the bathroom. After you cut it off, let it flow, then cut it off again, then let it flow again.

For help isolating those PC muscles, try standing in front of a mirror and using them to lift your testicles — without the help of your hands. Imagine “lifting your nuts to your guts” or “shortening your penis,” Dr. Sandra Hilton, PT, DPT, a doctor physical therapy at Entropy Physiotherapy and Wellness in Chicago, Illinois, previously told

Once you have a feel for how to expand and contract your PC muscles, tighten and hold for a count of 10, then release. Practice in sets of 10. The beauty of this exercise, which will result in heightened ejaculatory control and help you last longer in bed, is that you can do it practically anywhere.

There’s scientific proof that kegels can help men make sex last longer. As Men’s Health UK reported: “A 2005 study found that 75 percent of men improved erectile function after doing kegels. In another study, Italian researchers found that 61 percent of men were cured of premature ejaculation through rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles.”

2. Limit your thrusting

There are plenty of ways to enjoy intercourse without thrusting like a jackrabbit. You can massage the tip of your penis into her clitoral hood. You can focus on the nerve endings in her vaginal entrance instead of seeing how deep you can get. You can press your penis against her G-spot. Sure, throw a little thrusting in there too, but if you feel like you're about to reach the point of no return, there are ways to slow things down without sacrificing her pleasure.

3. Switch things up

Instead of picking one position and pounding away like the aforementioned jackrabbit, try alternating between a few different configurations to last longer during sex, licensed sex psychotherapist Vanessa Marin advised over at Bustle. Negotiating your bodies into new positions will let you press pause on your trip to the finish line.

Marin also recommends experimenting with “tiring or tricky” positions to last longer; you may find yourself less likely to come if your brain is focused on balance or precision.

Need some inspiration? Check out our list of the 45 best sex positions every couple should try. You might want to skip doggy style, which makes it easy to go fast and deep — a climactic combination. Consider having your partner go on top, where she can take the reins on rhythm and depth.

4. Edging

Delaying your orgasm while masturbating can be one of the most effective ways to train yourself to last longer during sex. This is also known as edging, and according to Dr. Walsh it's one of the most common techniques for avoiding premature ejaculation. Basically, you bring yourself right to the edge of orgasm before stopping all sexual or masturbatory activity until you have your excitement under control.

Practicing this technique can help you teach your brain and body to better control your orgasm response and make sex last longer, says sex therapist Emily Morse, Ph.D. Just be sure to use a lot of lotion or lube while you practice edging to avoid chafing, she adds.

Speaking of masturbation, rubbing one out an hour or two before sex may help you delay ejaculation, according to the Mayo Clinic.

5. The Squeeze

If you can feel your orgasm coming on, stop and squeeze right below the head of your penis. Apply firm pressure with your thumb and forefinger and focus the pressure on the urethra, or the tube running along the underside of the penis, advises Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sex therapist and author of She Comes First.

The squeeze technique can help you last longer in bed by pushing blood out of the penis and momentarily decreasing sexual tension, which represses the ejaculatory response, Kerner says.

“This is another type of biofeedback, similar to edging.” says Dr. Walsh.

6. Ladies first

Many women require clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm in the first place, so while you're trying to keep your own orgasm at bay, get to work and help her find her own bliss. Whether you use your mouth, your fingers, or a toy—hey, we recommend all three!—knowing she’s enjoyed an orgasm may relieve some of the pressure you’re feeling to last longer in bed, Kerner says.

7. Masturbate beforehand

Masturbating alone prior to a sexual encounter is a free and simple technique to help fight premature ejaculation. “A lot of my patients will masturbate prior to sex,” explains Dr. Evan Goldstein, D.O., a proctologist who specializes in men's sexual health at Bespoke Surgical. “Sometimes ejaculating too quickly is due to the fact that you’re all riled up and haven’t ejaculated recently, which means your prostate is fully engorged.” When it’s been a while since you last ejaculated, the slightest touch, lick, or thrust can set you off (literally).

Goldstein continued, “If you masturbate close to when you know you’re going to have sex, you’re essentially having sex a second time, which means it will take a little longer to climax.” He did, however, caution to practice the appropriate timing in between sessions because the last thing you want is to then not be able to perform at all.

If you notice you’re still having issues with PE even when masturbating beforehand, then you can masturbate repeatedly beforehand to help combat the issue during sex.

8. Condom control

If you struggle with premature ejaculation, condoms can be your best friend when it comes to lasting longer during sex. (Also, you should be using them anyway, bro.) Most major condom manufacturers make extra-thick rubbers that act like a slip-on desensitizer for your member during sex, Morse says, and these can help you avoid premature ejaculation. Try Trojan's Pleasures Extended, which comes with a numbing agent to help prolong pleasure for you the both of you.

9. Pills

In Europe, there are many legal drugs that purportedly help you last longer in bed, Dr. Walsh says. The problem: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved those drugs to treat PE in the U.S. Why?

“Even though trials show these drugs genuinely benefitted men with premature ejaculation, the FDA sets a very high bar for drugs used to treat non-life threatening conditions,” Dr. Walsh explains.

There's also evidence to suggest that some antidepressants can help delay orgasm—Paxil, or paroxetine, has proven to be particularly effective—but they could lead to mood changes or other side effects and shouldn't be used unless prescribed by a doctor, says Dr. Walsh. So at the end of the day, these should be considered a last resort.

Depending on how sexually active you are, you can either take the medication daily or as needed before sex, says Matthew Lemer, MD., a urologist at Beth Israel Medical Center. You’ll just want to find out from your doctor how long it’ll take for the medication to kick in, since it varies from drug to drug.

10. Anesthetic wipes

In 2017, a small study found that applying wipes covered in a small amount of benzocaine, a mild anesthetic, can help you last longer in bed. The problem? If your partner has a vagina, the wipes could have the unintended effect of numbing her down there, says NYC-based urologist Dr. David Samadi.

If you’re interested in trying out anesthetic wipes, Roman—the online service that sends generic erectile dysfunction medication straight to your door—also offers “Roman Swipes.” The Swipes have a 4% benzocaine solution, which reportedly reduces overstimulation without eliminating sensation altogether.

Additionally, Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, urologist and sexual health expert at Orlando Health, suggests numbing medications—like Promescent—that come in creams and sprays. “Similar to a condom these things can cause you to have less sexual pleasure,” Brahmbhatt explains. “Plus, it can affect the partners satisfaction as well. Make sure your partner knows you are using it as a heads up and also to make sure they don’t have a history or allergic reaction or problem with its use.”

11. Tech support

A new FDA-cleared program called Prolong purportedly helps train you to delay ejaculation by jerking off with a special device. For $299, you get a vibrating masturbation gadget, a guidebook, and some lube.

"Over your six-week training program, the studs and vibrations combine to fine tune that over-sensitive sweet spot under the head of your penis just enough to hand you the reigns to your climax," its website — a sexual health platform called Smiling Dick — states.

Don’t want to spend $299, but still want to treat your PE? There’s an app for that.

Check out the Premature Ejaculation App — or Pea, for short. Billed as a “virtual sex therapist,” the app guides you through a three-step masturbation training program to help treat your PE, and lets you track your improvement over time.

12. Ask an expert

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to have better, longer sex without success, it may be time to discuss your problem with a doctor, Dr. Walsh says. “A lot of the treatments we’ve already discussed—edging and biofeedback—are pretty challenging techniques that a specialist can help you use effectively.”

He recommends asking your doctor for a referral to a urologist, who can either treat you himself or refer you to the right person for your problem.

“He or she will help you approach this practically and pragmatically,” Dr. Walsh says, adding, “It’s not about getting in touch with your inner self. It’s about learning the physical or mental mechanisms that can help you avoid premature ejaculation.”

Sunday, February 14, 2021

12 Greatest Sex Tips for Women

 There are countless books, instructional videos, and colorful diagrams devoted to answering the question, "How can I please my lover in bed?" While plenty (if not all) of this advice is helpful, perfecting your lovemaking techniques isn't the sole path to having better sex—especially since not everyone's brought to a mind-scrambling climax the same ways.

"Sex has no goal but pleasure and fun, and doesn’t always involve genitals, penetration or even orgasm, either," says Dr. Chris Donaghue, sex and relationship therapist, podcast host, and author of Rebel Love. "Good sex is about play."

In the spirit of enjoying the ride, we asked experts to recommend the best sex tips for women.

Get to know your own body, first and foremost.

Yes, "this means masturbation," says Gigi Engle, certified sex coach and author of the upcoming All the F*cking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life.

Knowing what brings you pleasure doesn't just make sex more satisfying for you; it boosts your confidence during an encounter, making things more fun for everyone involved.

"So many women don't spend time with themselves, nor do they devote enough time to really get to know what brings them pleasure," Engle adds.

Ask your partner what they like.

Whether you've been together for years or just started seeing each other, it's likely you'll learn something new about your bedmate's desires by...simply asking.

"Communication is a huge cornerstone of good sex," Engle explains. "Asking each other what you like is pretty much the only way either of you is going to get what you want."

If you're sheepish about broaching the subject, preferring to go by moans alone, remember that it's a chance to learn more about each other and make sex better in the long run. "We have a lot of shame and embarrassment in general around sex so talking about it can be nerve-wracking," says Engle. She says,"Approach your partner with empathy, and express a desire to bring them the most pleasure possible. Then, share your desires as well."

Sext your partner during the day.

Tap your phone's potential as a seduction tool by sending sexy texts—a.k.a "sexts."

"Sex and arousal can begin long before you're face-to-face," says Donaghue. "Building arousal prior to sexual engagement will lead to peak sexuality."

You can share a fantasy, or describe—in detail—what you'd like to do to them later. If you're both new to exchanging sexts, you might want to start off PG-13 and let things naturally escalate at your own pace. Only you can speak to the specific vibe of your text exchanges (such as whether peppering in some eggplant emoji will be met with laughter as opposed to confusion), so the main rule is to keep it playful.

One more tip: Fix your phone's notification settings to prevent new messages from displaying on your lock screen. It'll keep your steamy exchange away from coworkers and/or kids' prying eyes.

Use (and ask for) multiple levels of stimulation.

You might strike up a dialogue about the speed or pressure your partner enjoys when you're stroking them down there. And don't neglect the rest of their body, either—skin is the body's largest organ, after all.

"While performing oral sex or during intercourse, use your hands to stimulate other areas of the body, and ask partners to do the same to you," Donaghue advises. Rub their thighs, stomach, and any other place they've let you know they like to be touched.

If your partner has a prostate, pay it some attention.

The prostate—the typically-walnut-sized gland located between a man's penis and bladder—is most often discussed in a medical context. But Donaghue urges people not to "shame or avoid this powerful, pleasure-giving body part. It can lead to bigger, and even multiple orgasms."

Some men are able to experience a prostate orgasm—as the International Society for Sexual Medicine points out, this earns its nickname as "the male G-spot." You can massage the prostate with your hands, or stimulate it anally by inserting a finger or clean sex toy (you'll want to get consent in a conversation before you try this, of course).

Lube makes everything go more smoothly.

It cannot be stressed enough: Lube is great for adults of every age.

"Too many women act under the false assumption that they should be getting so 'wet' that they don't 'need' to use lube," Engle says. "This is completely wrong. You should be using lube no matter the situation."

Skipping personal lubricant can lead to vaginal tearing, irritation from friction, and pain during sex, Engle explains. "Lube also helps everything slide and slip more easily, providing a barrier between skin and fingers or toys," she adds. To find the lubricant that's best for you, here's a lube 101 primer—and ten great options. 

Follow your fantasies.

"What's your fantasy?" isn't just the title of an incredible Ludacris song; it's a question you should know the answer to when it comes to your own. Sexual fantasies are far from unusual—in fact, here are eight of the most common ones.

Donaghue calls fantasies the "most honest parts of our sexuality." While not every fantasy needs to be acted on in real life, they can serve as a valuable guide. "The arousing thoughts and ideas in your head, the types of porn that you watch, and the things out in the world that turn you on are all important aspects of your sexual psychology," he says.

Try out new sex toys.

If you've never used a sex toy in the bedroom before, Donaghue recommends them to "amp up arousal and to explore diverse sensations."

Once considered the province of perverts, toys have come a long way in terms of image, features, and the materials they're made from. There's an exciting product out there for every taste—like these 20 for couples to enjoy, for example.

Resist falling back on what "works."

Donaghue says that though our turn-ons are "always evolving and changing," it's easy to "fall into sexual habits and routines, reinforcing the same sexual behaviors over and over." Shake things up with different positions, role-play, or even just get busy in a new room (in or away from home). "Sex can be new and novel even with repeat partners," he says.

Harness your attraction to other people.

Even those who are wholly devoted to a significant other can find themselves attracted to someone else. Instead of beating yourself up about your natural, hormonal reaction (or worse, acting on it and cheating), redirect those fired-up feelings and love the one you're with. "If you're turned on at work, or by someone you see at the gym, carry it with you and take that sexual energy home to use with your partner," Donaghue says.

Don't forget that "sex" means way more than just penetration.

"Sex doesn't have a hierarchy wherein one act is better or more important than the other," Engle says. To that end, she recommends more oral sex all around—not just giving, but receiving, too.

Your pleasure will be a turn-on for your partner, and Engle urges you to "take as long as you need to fully enjoy yourself, and orgasm, if that's on the table. Getting fully aroused is crucial before having intercourse, as the vagina naturally lubricates and expands, and oral sex can get you there."

Don't fixate on orgasm as the only goal.

Intense Os are great, but they're not the be-all and end-all, and pressure to perform is like a cold splash of ice water on an otherwise good time. "Putting focus on orgasm puts you into a negative feedback loop," Engle explains. "You pressure yourself to orgasm, which gives you anxiety about not having an orgasm, which in turn makes you too anxious to orgasm.".

"Instead of thinking of sex as a performance with a big finale, think of it as a journey," says Engle. "This will actually make you more likely to orgasm. When you don't feel pressured, you can experience your full range of pleasure."

Saturday, February 13, 2021

10 Unfiltered Sex Tips for the Best Action You've Ever Gotten

 When it comes to knowing what makes your partner tick in the bedroom, Googling "mind-blowing sex positions" only get you so far. Stimulating and gratifying sex is all in the timing, the communication, and the spontaneity, according to Dr. Bea Jaffrey—a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist based in Switzerland—and Mary Jo Rapini, a Houston-based psychiatrist and sex therapist. But what does that mean you should do, exactly? Fortunately, Rapini shared tips with Marie Claire about what actually works in the bedroom (lots of her tips are backed up by research, to boot!), and Jaffrey gave us some pointers from her book on overcoming common sex issues (159 Mistakes Couples Make in the Bedroom).

1. Tell Them What Turns You On

Research suggests that better communication is key to better sex—and no, we don't necessarily mean dirty talk. Communicating what you like and don't like can be instructional and informative, no matter how much you think you already know each other's bodies. If they're doing something you like, say so rather than relying on ambiguous gestures or noises. And if it's something you're not into, communicate that or guide them in a new direction. Want to try a different angle? Suggest one. If simultaneous orgasm is your goal and you're close to climaxing, don't be mum about it.

2. Give Them a Confidence Boost

In a 2016 study published in the Journal of Sex Research, researchers analyzed answers from 39,000 heterosexual couples that were married or cohabiting for over three years. Sexual satisfaction reported to be higher among the couples who revealed that they gave each other positive affirmation during sex and were open enough about embarrassing moments during sex to joke about them and move on. Dr. Jaffrey notes that this lighthearted approach to sex is key, saying, "Don't take life too seriously. Happy couples laugh together."

3. Keep Things Spontaneous

Even great sex can start to feel monotonous over time if it's more or less the same old routine. To mix things up, Marie Claire's guy expert Lodro Rinzler suggests: "If you're in bed with someone and have a sense of something new you or your partner might enjoy, be it some teasing, a change in position, anything…go for it."

Dr. Jaffrey also recommends switching up the time and place to avoid falling into a rut of once-a-week "duty sex." "Try new places to have sex, maybe on the sofa, in the car or on the kitchen countertops? Or how about the back row of a movie theater? Be careful though, because sex is illegal in public places. Try role-playing...take a bath together. Be inventive, have fun."

Long-term desire is built on a foundation of novelty. Otherwise erotic energy will naturally dissipate for most couples. Trying new things is the key to keeping the fire going.

4. Foreplay Should Start Days Beforehand

Jaffrey notes that setting the mood for sex is vital, for women especially, and that foreplay should start long before sex even begins: "I am talking here about the mental foreplay that happens days in advance, not the one that you have just before sex. Make sure to be attentive to your partner. Small gestures and nice comments are significant to setting the right mood for sex." She also suggests keeping up communication during the day through texts or emails.

5. Spend Time With Yourself, Too

Having good sex requires knowing what you like in bed. The only way to fully understand your pleasure potential is to masturbate and explore your body. Masturbation is a healthy form of self-exploration and should be encouraged for all people, even those in relationships. Studies show that masturbation doesn't make you want sex less, it actually has the opposite effect.

Try to spend at least two days a week enjoying your own body. This will improve your sex life, because your partner is not a mind reader. When you know exactly how you like to be touched, you can better communicate your desires to your partner.

6. Have an Orgasm Before Penetration

Before you put anything inside a vagina, it's important that you're fully, properly aroused. When you're aroused, the vagina expands and gets wet while the genital tissue becomes engorged with blood. This helps intercourse and penetration feel good rather than painful or uncomfortable. Be sure you're giving adequate time and attention to the clitoris. If possible, have an orgasm before penetration. Women and female-bodied people have orgasms most reliably through oral sex or with a sex toy. Make your pleasure a priority.

7. Expand Your Vocabulary

The power of sexy banter in the bedroom gets underplayed, but it can be a serious mood-enhancer when you're trying to liven things up together. Going about that, however, isn't the easiest for people who aren't used to actually vocalizing 50 Shades-esque fantasies. "What my [clients] benefit the most from is when they go to a bookstore or they go online and they find an erotic book," says Rapini.

She suggests that couples read from erotic books together, especially if they want to work on developing a "dirty talk" vocabulary that gives them the language cues without feeling self-conscious. Reading off scripts, she says, never works as well as if couples find a book they really like together and can build off of that jargon.

8. Experiment with Toys and Props

One way that Rapini counsels long-term couples on how to explore the unknown to enhance their sexual experience is to try shopping for products and toys together. That could mean anything from couples' vibrators (she recommends the remote-controlled Fiera) to massage oils to body paint to blindfolds, though Rapini says another way to set the scene is to try adding music as sexy background noise. "Make massage part of your routine and start touching each other. Many couples will start feeling their libido rise after they do that," she says. 

9. Focus on Quality Rather Than Quantity

There is no "right amount" of sex you should be having. This is a myth. As long as both people are satisfied, you're doing great. There isn't one golden rule, but a recent study suggested that more sex doesn't mean better sex and that the happiest couples have sex only once a week.

So if you're anxious about you and your partner not screwing like rabbits, there's proof that the more energy you put into making regular weekly sex *better* will pay off in the long run. Focus on how much pleasure you and your partner are experiencing during any one session, not how often you're physically hopping in bed.

10. Have empathy for one another.

It's often underestimated how important empathy is when it comes to sex. Empathy is the care and understanding of a another person's feelings, and this is incredibly important in sex because when you feel that your partner actually cares about your pleasure, you're going to be more into having sex with them. We often come to sex with too much ego, and that's a real shame. We should be understanding and loving towards one another. Sex can be confusing, awkward, weird, and very hot. Make room for your many, many feelings in order to co-create an amazing erotic experience.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Sex Tips for Women: 9 of the Hottest

 At WH, we're here to help you make your sex life better. And, in the time of sexual wellness hitting the mainstream (see: Boots' freshly comprehensive range of sex toys and the boom of 'erotic audio content', like the Dipsea app, which has been downloaded 300,000 times, since launching in December 2018) it makes sense to speak more candidly about ways to enhance your time under the covers.

Enter: our handy sex tips for women guide. FYI, these are targeted at women who have sex with men. To compile them, WH spoke to sexology researcher Dr Dany Cordeau to find out the stops you need to know about, and how you can get them going.

You'll probably already know some of these sex tips for women, but we guarantee you'll learn a thing or two about some unexpected turn-ons.

When you're done here, wise up on the biggest female erogenous zones for better orgasms (or, casually leave this web page open around your partner so they swot up, too). And, if you're going it alone, this five day plan will take your masturbation game to the next level.

9 sex tips for women: how to become better in bed

1/ Learn to kiss, properly

Full-on kissing boosts levels of dopamine in the brain, a desire-spiking neurotransmitter in both men and women, according to a study in The American Journal of Medicine.

To get your other half going, try this piece of sex advice: trace his lips slowly with your tongue, or softly bite the edge of his lower lip with your teeth, advises sexologist Carol Queen.

But, before you think about putting this tip to the test during a steamy summer pool sesh, you might want read on and think twice before having sex in water.

2/ Play with their ears

In a survey, ears ranked just behind the scrotum as a body part that, when touched, can help men reach their peak. Who knew it was such a turn on?

3/ Don't be scared of the scrotum

No biting or pinching, please: this area holds your man's reproductive power, making it extra vulnerable to sharp impact.

So what is up its street and worth ranking in the nine sex tips for women? Gentle sucking, squeezing or cupping, which may help some men reach climax more easily during sex, says sex coach Charlie Glickman.

When it comes to foreplay, use this technique from Harwick: 'Start with your hand around both balls, then bring your fingertips together over them – like you're picking up a napkin off the floor.'

4/ Get involved in the neck

His neck is as tingle-triggering as your own, and a study published in the journal Ergonomics found that the nape loves low-frequency vibrations.

Take advantage by kissing the back of his neck with your mouth slightly open, and hum. 'The combination of heat and vibrations will help prompt some serious sensations for him,' sex expert Emily Morse says.

Or dip into your toy drawer for a fingertip vibe and massage his hairline.

Things not going quite to plan? Make sure you're not making one of the 6 biggest mistakes couples make in the bedroom before carrying on.

5/ Don't be shy with the shaft

Men rated the shaft tops for orgasmic sensitivity when compared with the rest of their nether regions, says a survey published in the journal BJU International.

Because the internal erectile tissues lie deep beneath the skin's surface, when it comes to how to get your grip on, the best sex tips for women will tell you that many guys like the shaft handled pretty firmly. Form a fist around it, moving up and down and adding pressure as you go.

6/ Pay his nipples some attention

They'd like a little TLC, FYI. Men who were surveyed for a study in the journal Cortex admitted that the nips are one of their top hot spots.

Queen suggests sucking on one while stroking your man's penis with your hand. 'Adding the two erogenous zones together can be very pleasurable,' she says.

7/ Get involved with the head

The head of the penis, or the glans, has significantly more nerves than the shaft, so don't skimp on the attention. (The tip is basically the closest thing he has to a clitoris, though it's not nearly as sensitive, says Cordeau. We win in that department.)

After coating your fingers in lube, 'loop them into an O shape and slide them over the glans', Queen advises. Then use short, slow pumps that tighten around the tip.

8/ Hit a bum note

Glickman calls the prostate gland (located a finger's length inside the bum) the 'male G-spot' in his book The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure.

To hit this orgasm-inducing region, you'll need to insert a (well-lubricated) digit into your man's behind, directed toward the front of his body, says Queen.

If neither you nor him is up for that, you can also stimulate the prostate by touching the perineum.

9/ Have a perineum party

Located behind the scrotum and before his rear entry, this spot contains a gent's ejaculatory muscles – which, when massaged, can make his blast-off feel even more intense, says Glickman.

Try Morse's oral-sex advice: 'Use your thumb to gently rub the perineum in a circular motion, keeping in rhythm with what your mouth is doing. Right before he is about to finish, press the spot firmly to give him an orgasm to top all orgasms.'

Then ask for anything you want in return, obvs.

Sex tips for women mastered. Now, ever wondered how much sex your should be having? This is the exact amount of sex you should have to be happy. You're welcome.

10 Sex Tips for Women That Men Really Want You to Know

 Freud once called female sexuality "the dark continent," and if that's true, then male sexuality might as well be the dark planet. Because when it comes to sex, men are far from simple. (As much as they may try to convince us otherwise.) The bedroom is one of the great stages of male performance, so what you see on TV is typically far from what can (and should) be delivered in reality. That's why sex experts chimed in with more accurate insight about what guys really want you to know when the two of you climb into bed. Here are their top sex tips for women.

1. Men respond to praise.

It's believed that men are so consumed by libido that they have no self-consciousness surrounding sex. But that couldn't be further from the truth. "[There are] plenty of men who feel very self-conscious about their weight, or parts of their body, and really are affected by this in the bedroom," says Laurie Mintz, Ph.D., author of A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex and Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters. Many are impacted by performance anxiety too, asking themselves questions like, "Will I be able to get an erection?," "Have I gained too much weight?" and, "Will I be able to please her?"

for him to hear compliments both in and out of the bedroom. Mintz suggests starting outside the bedroom, when you can have what she calls a "kitchen table sex talk" — AKA a lower-stakes time to discuss things that are bothering you in the bedroom without having to be "in the moment" of, well, having sex. That's when your partner can talk about what pressures he's feeling, or what he's self-conscious about. Then, you can boost his confidence.

"In a really good, connected, long-term partnership, there's not a magic word that will work wonders; it's more about getting to know what it is your partner is worried about, and addressing that outside of the bedroom, when he's not already anxious about whatever the issue at hand is."

Once you're in the bedroom (and aware of his insecurities), remind him of how much you enjoy being intimate. For example, if he's worried about his weight, maybe give him a sexy once-over and tell him how how buff he looks naked. Other key areas to compliment: His gut, as men often worry about the size of it (and other measurable parts), and their hair, as guys tend to feel self-conscious once they start losing it.

2. Some fear intimacy.

But not for the reason you think! Studies have shown that boys are more affectionate, even more expressive, than girls until they reach school age. At that time, social repression begins — of words, thoughts, feelings — and the desire for human connection goes underground. So taboo is this desire for intimacy that its possibility can terrify men; not because it's smothering, but because they realize how desperate they are for it.

So what's a woman to do? First, understand that your guy's hasty retreat post-sex may be because he doesn't understand how much he craves a connection with you. Then, it's time for another kitchen table sex talk, Mintz says. "If he's been jumping in the shower right after sex for the last 10 years, he's going to be really taken off guard if, the next time he goes into the shower, you all of a sudden say it upsets you," she explains. "Instead, set aside a time to talk when the situation has passed."

When you do talk, Mintz suggests using the sandwich technique: Give him a compliment, tell him your problem, then follow it up with another compliment. Example: "I really love having sex with you, and after we have sex I feel really close and connected. I know you really want to shower, but I really want to cuddle. Is there a compromise that will work for both of us?"

It can be as simple as asking to cuddle for five minutes before a shower, or even showering together. Regardless of the solution, talking about it may reveal something you never knew, and allows fore more understanding before coming up with a new norm that'll make all parties happy.

3. They appreciate sex for sex.

While intimacy and post-sex cuddling can be wonderful for many men, sometimes a little "throw-me-down sex" is exactly what they want, plain and simple. "Men want their wives to enjoy raw sex, not just endure it or take it personally," says Joe Kort, Ph.D, a psychotherapist and sexologist in Royal Oak, Michigan. "It's not [always] about dominating a woman, but rather ravishing her." On occasion, don't be afraid to let him do just that. (So long as it's something you're comfortable with, of course.)

4. Guys want to be touched.

The penis gets all the press, but men have many erogenous zones, just like women, says psychologist Melodie Schaefer, PsyD. They just don't tell you to move your hands elsewhere because they're afraid that if they do, women will shut down and not touch them at all, she explains. "But there are many places a woman should touch, like the chest, inner thighs, and face," Schaefer adds. Another key move: Gently gripping a man's testicles, as it can be a real turn-on that blends control with release. You can also stimulate the perineum, the area between the scrotum and anus, which heightens pleasure during oral sex.

5. Yes, they have sexual fantasies.

"Men want to share their fantasies but worry their wives will shame or judge them," Dr. Kort says. Similarly, Dr. Schaefer notes that men wish women would reveal their own sexual imaginings. The solution: Make a game of it.

First (and most important), promise not to judge the other. Then, privately write out scenarios that have tantalized you and place them in a box. Next time you're feeling hot and heavy, pull one out. Either jump right into fulfilling that fantasy or, if you need a little more time to adjust, ask what it is about that fantasy that your partner likes, Dr. Kort says. "Sometimes, its themes can be addressed in different scenarios that feel comfortable for both of you," he adds.

6. Men want you to be vocal.

Talking during sex stimulates more than our ears, as Mintz says heavy breathing, groaning, and moaning are all sounds that we make when we're feeling free, and studies have shown that it's erotic for all parties involved to hear. It's also a great way to really express what you want, which is a huge turn-on for men when they know they're doing exactly what you need to have an orgasm.

If you're not usually one to speak up, Mintz suggests trying it solo first. "Next time you're masturbating, make some noise," she says. "You might find something is really fun, and then you can transfer that to partner sex." Otherwise, saying anything that's praising, instructive, and even a little dirty tends to go over well with men. Tell him exactly how you want to be touched (and where, and using what) and you'll his pleasure meter — and yours —through the roof.

7. And they want you to be honest.

Sex can help ease many stressors in a relationship, but it can also cause stress. If he complains about a lack of sex (or the fact that you're only doing certain things on his birthday), then be honest about what's causing you to withhold.

One reason that you may not even be aware of is an issue called receptive desire, Mintz says. "As a woman ages and the relationship goes on, [many] stop being spontaneously horny," she explains. "A lot of men and women don't know this, so they wait to be [turned on] to have sex...But you can have sex to get [turned on], rather than wait to be [turned on] to have sex."

If you have a normative lack of desire and don’t know about it, Mintz says these kitchen table sex talks are especially important because they can help both of you realize what issues are really at hand without feeling attacked, hurt, or rejected.

Of course, it's also possible that there’s anger, resentment, or deeper issues going on. If that's the case, Mintz says you shouldn't be using sex as a weapon — that's only going to cause more harm in the relationship — and should instead be honest about how you're feeling. If you're not comfortable bringing it up on your own (or discussing it when your partner does), she suggests seeing a therapist, who can help the two of you navigate the issue in a healthy way.

8. Guys enjoy the dance.

Men like a good quest, so even if you've been together for awhile, allow your partner to court you. "Emotional intimacy is about closeness, but sustaining sexual desire demands a certain amount of distance," Dr. Kort says.

How do couples strike this tricky balance? By allowing each partner to have what he calls "separate sexuality," or a sex life that doesn't include (or betray) the other. "For him, that might mean allowing his wife to use sex toys or letting other men look at her," Dr. Kort says. "For her, it might be permitting him to watch pornography in order to experience a fantasy." Such indulgences help maintain the balance of desire and devotion for both parties, so talk to your partner outside of the bedroom and see if this is something one (or both of you) might be interested in.

9. Speaking of pornography, it isn't always a big deal.

Finding a spouse using pornography is a top reason couples seek counsel, but it shouldn't be overreacted to or pathologized, Dr. Kort says. First of all, sex addicts only represent 3-6% of the population, so it's unlikely your man is one. Plus, because childhood experiences influence sexuality as an adult, people are very idiosyncratic about what turns them on, Dr. Kort says. "So no woman can, nor should be, everything to a man."

Still, it's tough not to take it personally when he's getting off by looking at another woman. To help tamper that, Dr. Kort recommends taking the secrecy out of pornography and discussing it. "Ask him what about it turns him on, and [express without anger] what turns you off," he says. That way, a dialogue is created that allows for honesty, dignity, and closeness without him feeling like he's doing something shameful, while you can figure out what you're OK with accepting and what you're not.

10. Men want you to embrace sex.

Guys are often accused of being sexually insatiable, but women should rethink this line of thought. "Men see sex as a celebration," Dr. Schaefer says. "They wish women would take more of a 'carpe diem' approach to it."

We all move through life at the speed of sound, with multiple challenges and pressures. That makes it easy to allow demands on our time and energy to rob us of the joy, pleasure, and opportunity that sex affords us. And more often than not, sex ends up being at the bottom of a long list of priorities. But viewing sex through a different lens — something you want to do versus have to do — can make all the difference.

Plus, there are health benefits to sex. Orgasms release oxytocin, for example, a hormone that's nicknamed the "bonding hormone" for its ability to bring couples closer together while also alleviating stress, reducing blood pressure, and promoting healing. And who couldn't use more of that?