Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Top Dating Tips For Men

 Dating can be a tricky business. What should you wear? Where should you meet? How much should you say? Who should pay? How soon after your date should you call? There are endless questions that can spin around your head before, during and after a date, which is why we’ve compiled a list of some top dating tips for men, to help make sure your date is a success.

1. First impressions are always important

Your ripped jeans may be lucky, but remember, this will be the first impression your date gets of you. Yes, you should never pretend to be someone that you’re not, but a girl might like to see that you take pride in your appearance. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you need to wear a full tuxedo, but having a shower, shave, using aftershave and putting on something suitable will help you impress your date and get you off to a good start. Now all you have to worry about is turning up on time.

2. Make date plans for somewhere you’ll feel comfortable

You might think that you’re being a gentleman by letting your date decide where you go on your date, but women often like to see that you can take control. Plus, as dating can be a daunting experience, help cut through those nerves by arranging to meet up in familiar territory. This will help make you feel more comfortable. Although, maybe avoid your normal Saturday night pub, as bumping into your mates could be a little distracting on your date.

3. Be confident

Women value confidence highly when it comes to choosing a guy. If you’re a little shy, practice beforehand by talking to people you don’t know. Or, whilst on the date, pick a subject that you’re enthusiastic about, such as a hobby. She will sense your confidence as you talk passionately about it. Many people may also be shy about their appearance. You may not be 6ft tall with a 6-pack, but it’s more attractive to a woman to show that you’re comfortable in your own skin and happy being you.

4. Don’t do all the talking

On your date, make sure you don’t do all the talking. Try to keep what you have to say short and concise. You don’t want to start boring your date. If this date goes well, there will be lots more opportunities to share your stories in the future. Don’t be scared of pauses and help mix up the conversation by asking your date questions. Listening is important, as it shows that you are interested in what she has to say.

5. Keep the conversation fun

Try to keep your conversation light-hearted. On your first date, you don’t want to get into an in-depth conversation about why you don’t enjoy your job, or other issues you’ve been having. Women want a guy who can make them laugh and ask the right questions. Yes you do have to be serious sometimes, but in the early stages of dating, have some fun.

6. Avoid the ‘ex’ conversation

Talking about your ex is dangerous territory. It’s best to stay away from the conversation altogether. Your date will not be interested and it can make things feel awkward between you. If your date does bring up the subject, try to keep answers short (without appearing suspicious). Reassure her that your past is history and that you want to spend your time getting to know her instead.

7. Turn off your phone

There’s nothing more annoying than phones ringing whilst trying to spend quality time out with friends, and it’s just as irritating on a date. Don’t just put it on silent or vibrate, as you can still become distracted. Turn your phone off completely. If she knows that you’ve turned your phone off to focus entirely on the date, she’ll appreciate you’re taking the time to engage with her fully.

8. Offer to pay

Things have shifted and most women will assume that they are paying for their share of the bill. On your first date, insist on treating her (although don’t be forceful). This will make you look like a gentleman. But, if she still wants to pay, suggest she gets the bill on your next date, if she wishes.

9. Follow up correctly

If you don’t want a second date, don’t say you’ll call her. You’ll end up feeling bad and she might feel hurt. Just say, “I had a great time tonight”. If you do want to see her again, don’t play games. Yes, in films they always leave it a couple of days to contact each other, but this is 2016. If you don’t contact her within a couple of days, you’ll seem like you couldn’t be bothered, or didn’t enjoy the date. The sooner you tell her what a great time you had, the better.

10. Get feedback from a female friend

Dating is not something we learn at school, we simply have to jump in the deep end and see how it goes. But, if you’re looking to improve your dating skills, why not talk to a female friend. Discuss your last date, where you went, what you did and what you talked about. Everyone has different opinions, but it can help to give you some useful feedback on how to be better on your next date.

So, you have a date lined up and you’ve seen our top tips for dating. All that is left is to take a deep breath, relax and try to enjoy being yourself.

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Monday, May 1, 2023

Dating Rules To Meet Someone

  Struggling to meet someone new? Following these simple yet insightful dating rules might be just be exactly

what you need.
Love Yourself First
Have you ever noticed that happy people get more attention? And if you are happy with yourself, it shows.

So in order to attract more people into your life for dating purposes, focus on the things that make you happy.
Try writing a large piece of paper full of ideas that you can use in a pinch, such as taking a hot bath,
going for a bike ride or filling your home with plants. Then, pick three items from this list every day with
conscious effort, knowing that the time you take tending to increasing your own personal joy will increase
the pull others feel to learn more about who you are.
If you shake your head within seconds of meeting someone, rank them against a checklist in your head, or have
stringent guidelines about who you will and won't meet, it is time to revamp your relationship expectations.
When trying to meet someone new, it is imperative that you let go of your preconceived notions about who
the perfect partner is.
Cut Ties To Your Ex
Although this dating rule may be contentious for some readers, it is still an important step in the dating process.
Just like a spring cleaning clears your space of clutter and cobwebs, removing an ex still present in your life
after a breakup can free you to meet someone new. Of course there are circumstances where this may
not be possible - such as if you have children together or work in the same office. But whenever possible,
you need to remove your ex from your personal life, even if it is only temporary.
Dating is exhausting and not worth my time. I'll never meet The One. All the good ones are taken.
These three statements are myths about dating that seriously require thought if they are going through your head.
 Dating isn't about negative thoughts; its about meeting as many interesting people as you can while having faith
that you'll meet someone special.Following this dating rule means you need to stop focusing on the person you are
trying to meet, and focus on the spotlight instead on yourself.
Face Your Dating Fears
Feeling anxious or upset about the prospects of meeting someone new usually translates into fear. If the thoughts
of never meeting someone special, being upset that your last partner refused to commit, or convincing yourself
you aren't worth dating are taking over your thought processes, it is time to face your dating fears.
By not following this dating rule and ignoring the issues, your inability to risk losing your heart will stop you
from meeting someone special.
Too attract new people, you'll need to show them you are interested - which means learning how to flirt.
Virtually every single first encounter that leads to more starts with a smile, so this dating rule suggests
smiling at everyone you encounter, without qualification. As well, understanding body language is a crucial part of
meeting someone new and cannot be overlooked.

Accept All Dates
If you want to follow the rules of dating to meet someone new, its time to stop making snap decisions about
the people who ask you out for a date. If someone asks you for coffee, it is your responsibility to accept it,
barring any issues with safety of course. A date is just a date - not a marriage proposal. It'll only take
an hour or two, and by accepting all dates you'll move closer to meeting someone special while perfecting your
notions of what kind of person you'd like to have in your life. 

 6 Great Pickup Lines For Men or Women

1. What does your name mean? Asking someone with an unusual first or last name is a great icebreaker,
especially if they have a story to tell. If nothing else, you'll learn more about your intended interests'
background and family history, and can ask more questions as they provide more details.
2. How do you fit into the picture here? There are several variations on this question,
such as asking how someone knows the party host, or how they came across the band whose gig you're both at.
This kind of question is especially fun if you are at a larger gathering where everyone seems to know everyone else,
because oftentimes you'll get introductions to everyone else as well.
3. If you won a free education, what would you go back to school for - or would you go back at all?
Not only does this question tell you what they went to school for (and if they took any post-secondary
classes at all), but also provides you with a hint as to their goals, aspirations and dreams.
4. Can you suggest something? Depending on where you are will determine what exactly you are asking a suggestion for.
Coffee shops and bookstores/libraries are great for this icebreaker, as are local eateries, pubs,
sporting events and grocery stores. By asking someone's opinion and advice, you are showing your interest, and
if you take them up on their suggestion, you can then compare and contrast your experiences for a bit longer of a
chat. Turning this pickup line into a date isn't terribly difficult either; just ask them if they'd like to explore
more of whatever was suggested, together, at a later date.
5. Can you reach that for me? Perhaps you are trying to get a touch of sunscreen on your back, or maybe you are
unable to reach something on the top shelf. Either way, this icebreaker will get the two of you in close physical
contact (if not touching in the case of the sunscreen) so that you can make smiling eye contact to show your
interest. Don't let the apple of your eye get away with a mere, "Sure," however; try starting a conversation about
the item in question, whether or not sunscreen really helps, or some other related item in the vicinity.
6. You look familiar. Did we meet at John's -insert crazy, unusual or outlandish event here- ?
This pickup line works in almost any situation, as long as you have a ready-made meeting place with which to start
with. Perhaps try unusual but tame, "metal basket weaving class" or "underwater poetry reading" or strange,
"pistachio eating contest". The point is to make the person forget about John and ask about the thought-provoking
event you mentioned. You'll get bonus Brownie points if you can actually come up with a real-life gathering that
requires explanation and further discussion. 

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