Friday, March 8, 2024

Online Dating Tips For Men: Choosing Your Profile Picture

 It’s a new year and a new you. So why not start with a new profile picture to make the right impression? Guys, here are some online dating tips on how to choose the right pictures for your profile.

There are so many things to consider when you’re picking your profile pictures. Do you smile? Do you show yourself with friends? Should you include photos with your female friends?

Luckily, there’s a science to all this and someone already did the research. Researchers from Queen Mary University of London looked at 86 studies around psychology, sociology, behavioral science, and other fields applicable to dating in the Internet era to come home with some helpful tips.

Here’s what they found:

1. Mimic profiles you find attractive. 

A lot of people will say use a good photo. But what exactly does that mean? It’s whatever you want to see in a potential partner. Researchers say you should browse profiles, find people you think are attractive, and mirror their profiles.

That’s not to say use the exact same clothes with the exact same background. But according to researchers, people are attracted to profiles that are like themselves.

2. Be you.

If you’ve ever browsed dating profiles with friends, you’ve probably come across someone staring into the camera with eyes that show little or no emotion. That’s definitely something you should avoid doing.

Instead, go for an attractive and genuine photo. According to researchers, a smile “that crinkles up your eyes,” is seen as more genuine. But, essentially, photos that show you in a happy environment and makes you seem fun to be around do best. It could be from your birthday when you and the boys had a great time at a bar. Or from a recent holiday trip you took with family.

3. Add in a group photo.

The selfie is acceptable, but you shouldn’t limit yourself. There is always a debate about whether to use group photos in a dating profile. But now it’s over. According to the research, if your photos show other people having a good time with you, that increases your desirability.

But make sure it’s obvious who you are. Too often, people are left wondering which one is you. And if you crop people out of the photos, do it tastefully so people don’t think you’re hiding anything.

Another thing to consider is including photos of yourself at the center of a group— where you lead the eye. It gives you a sense of importance that people find attractive.

4. Photos with female friends can actually help you out. 

Research shows that women find men more attractive when they see other women smiling at them. Just make it clear that they’re your friends. And it’s probably best to use a photo with more than one woman so it doesn’t look like an ex. I can’t tell you how many times female friends have showed me dating profile photos with cut-off faces or an arm in the corner. They usually say something like, “That’s probably his ex,” before moving on to the next person.

5. Don’t make it about the photo.

As powerful as a photo can be in making you an appealing first date, it’s not everything. The rest of your profile matters and the researchers aren’t shy about saying that.

You need to use several strategies at once (updating your description, sending personal messages, staying on the ball when it comes to replying) to have a great profile that will help you stand out.